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Lessons from Female Founders – Useful for Everyone (With Alice Albrecht)
November 3, 2021 at 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm EDT
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Empathetic leadership, work-life balance, team first approach… Join re:collect AI’s Alice Albrecht and Interintellect’s Anna Gát for an intimate salon on the lessons learned as a female or nonbinary founder and why they can be useful for everyone!
Founding and running a startup can feel like alternating between Olympic sprints and marathons, and one way in which founders deal with the challenges is by showing extraordinary openness to learning from each other.
If we can assume that different groups of founders within the startup scene have different strengths and difficulties, creating forums for sharing stories is an important step toward our mutual education.
My friend and fellow female founder Alice Albrecht and Anna Gát will cohost this intimate salon discussion to share personal stories of challenges, victory and learning, to listen, and to open a conversation on recent industry statistics and psychological findings around the resilience, resourcefulness and empathy female and nonbinary founders are known to bring to our professional community.
The event will not be recorded and is open to all.
To read before the salon:
(This list is meant to spark a discussion, the contents are not necessarily endorsed by the event’s hosts or Interintellect)
- https://hbr.org/2021/02/women-
led-startups-received-just-2- 3-of-vc-funding-in-2020 - https://www.bbc.com/news/
business-58548789 - https://www.joinef.com/our-
female-founders-share-their- advice/ - http://www.paulgraham.com/ff.
html - https://www.businessinsider.
com/female-founders-startup- fundraising-ipo-data?r=US&IR=T https://news.crunchbase.com/ news/y-combinator-releases- data-on-black-latinx-and- woman-founders/ - https://www.forbes.com/sites/
victorlipman/2017/04/19/start- ups-with-female-founders-grow- faster/ - https://fortune.com/longform/
female-founders-startups-the- wing-away-outdoor-voices-ceos/
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