
Friday, May 14, 2021 @ 04:00 PM UTC

Re-Enchanting The City

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In this Salon, Indy Neogy hopes to re-examine our relationship with the City as a key part of our ways of living. Much of the speculation about post-Covid changes has centred on the possibility of digital communication technology making The City obsolete. Of course in this and other Salons we live some of that possibility on Zoom. Yet some inconvenient facts suggest that we may yet need to think again about the value of cities. In particular, many of the post-Covid-post-City futures simply don’t take into account the space, energy and transport requirements of “everyone living in the countryside.” We’ll discuss the early positive and negative ideas – including the Flâneur and Simmel’s notion of desensitisation before sharing our ideas about the enchanting, numinous, uplifting and even spiritual possibilities of The City. We’ll talk on how cities might evolve to be more pleasant – incorporating nature more perhaps, opening up the space to be playful – but also consider whether there might be virtues to be found in the opposite of the wilderness – The City. Interesting to look at pre-salon: Timezones: Friday 14th May 11am in Los Angeles / San Francisco 2pm in New York 7pm in London 8pm in Berlin / Paris


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Tickets are no longer available because the event is in the past.

Fri, May 1404:00 PM UTC to 07:00 PM UTC




Fri, May 1404:00 PM UTC to 07:00 PM UTC



Tickets are no longer available because the event is in the past.

Fri, May 1404:00 PM UTC to 07:00 PM UTC


