Reboot Your Life: Own Your Story (PART 1/3)


(PART 1/3) Own Your Story: Developing an empowering self-narrative in times of transition. Summary: In periods of transition or change, the stories we tell about ourselves play an enormous role in how others perceive us, and how we perceive ourselves. In this workshop salon, executive coach Jason Shen will share his 5C model for crafting…


Reboot Your Life: Finding Courage (PART 2/3)


(PART 2/3: Finding Courage: Using fear setting to move towards our deepest desires.) Summary: Many of us have long held dreams and desires that we hold ourselves back from pursuing because of fear. While fear can be helpful in some situations, irrational or overdeveloped fear can prevent us from leading our most fulfilling lives. In…


Discover Your Creative Potential By Crafting “Tomorrow’s School”


Creativity is a skill, and this workshop the opportunity to start developing its potential!  Join Zelda, the creator behind “Tomorrow’s School,” to learn new artistic tools while shaping the future of school. Did your experience in school help develop your creative potential? Unfortunately, for many of us, the answer is no. In fact, many schools…


Who are you? | Values, Careabouts, and How They Apply to Your Work Search Journey


The Great Resignation is upon us:  we no longer want to spend our time doing work that drains us. Our humanity drives us to do work that is meaningful to us, to contribute to the world based on our unique blend of skills, values, and careabouts. For many of us, this means making a change…


Hearing Your Authentic Voice: What We Want vs. What’s Expected of Us


People who grew up in households that value education are typically socialized to pursue meaningful careers, interesting projects, and academic credentials. But who gets to decide what makes a career meaningful or what makes a project worth pursuing?  Is it us, or our social conditioning? Join Mariya Hoffman for this insightful discussion, and bring your…


Making the Future Real | Moving Our Visions From our Minds Into the Real World

The most terrifying aspect of searching for work that is meaningful and fulfilling is the uncertainty: "I want to quit my job/take a sabbatical/earn money in a way that won't burn me out, now what? What are the next steps? What do I do?" The paralysis analysis can be overwhelming. There is so many options…


*MEMBERS-ONLY* What Does Money Have To Do With Work? | Explore Your Relationship to Money

What does money mean to you? Join Mary Bajorek, an Interintellect fellow, in her third installment of the 12-week journey of rehabilitating our work life, in which we’ll dive into the topic of money and how it relates to our work and lives. For some of us, money represents fears of scarcity, a signal of…
