The Transgression of Bret Easton Ellis: A Salon in Virtual Reality


In an i.i. first, the discussion will take place in virtual reality, via the Virgils VR platform. No headset? No problem. The platform is accessible from any web browser. (Though, we do recommend joining from an Oculus Quest 2.) The salon will be hosted by MIT lecturer & best-selling author Micah Nathan and Virgils co-founder Christian Ulstrup.   Who's…


In Praise of The Prophet Series – Part 2: Giving, Eating and Drinking, Work


In this salon series, Tanya Raj will lead deep-dive discussions on The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and his philosophy on living a life with purpose and meaning. In this salon, we will delve into what does giving mean and how does one receive with grace, how can eating and drinking become a more mindful activity…


Ted Chiang Part 7: The Artificial Other


This is the seventh and last session in Étienne Fortier-Dubois's series of thematic discussions on the work of science fiction author Ted Chiang. We'll discuss artificial intelligence, our relationship to machines, and the possibility of humanoid beings that aren't quite human. Feel free to join even if you haven’t attended the previous parts! Ted Chiang…


The Medium, the Message, and the Mind


This salon with Alex Danco will be all about Information. We'll start by covering Claude Shannon's Information Theory - really wrap our heads around what it means when we say, "Information isn't what you say, it's what's understood." It's not a noun, it's a verb; it's not the baseball, it's the pitch. We'll cover Information…


Classical Music and the Other Arts


Interintellect host Linus Lu continues his series all about classical music by exploring the relationship between classical music and history.  Classical music has long been influenced by—and been an influence on—other art forms. From operas based on myths and works of literature, to films using classical music in their soundtracks, we’ll discuss how classical music interacts with different types of…


In Praise of Idleness: On the Virtues of Rest


In his latest Interintellect Salon, Visakan Veerasamy leads a talk about tiredness, rest, and doing nothing.  I'm tired. Are you tired? We're all tired. We live in tiresome times. We should probably rest. Is there time to rest? Let's talk about it! Let's talk about the psychology of it, and about the assumptions we have about…
