Beautiful Cities, A Science: Second Salon in the Saving the City Series


My focus is at the intersection of the good life, the just society, and techno optimistic capitalism. My name is Max Dostart-Meers and I am a Silicon Valley native currently in exile. Follow me here Twitter. In the second salon in the series, let's talk about whether there is a science to making beautiful cities.…


Chapter 4: Creation – The Beginning of Infinity Reading Group (Members Only)


Join members of the completed “Gödel, Escher, Bach” reading group in reading through David Deutsch’s “The Beginning of Infinity.” Share the pleasure of reading a challenging, thought-provoking book boosted by your friendly peers’ additional eyes, hearts, minds, and life experiences. Maybe you heard about it on Naval's podcast, or perhaps you follow the father of quantum computing…


Hello New Hosts! (“Micro-Salon” Practice + Encouragement)


Interintellect host and mentor Visakan Veerasamy leads an experimental mini-salon made up of your micro-salon ideas. Friends, new and old, welcome to Interintellect! We’ve now hosted a couple of events where we discuss, broadly speaking, what makes a good ii salon. Let’s try something slightly different: bring us your salon ideas, and let’s try them out in…


What’s So Great about Reality Anyway? – SuperSalon with Jim O’Shaughnessy and Bronwyn Williams


“Going outside is highly overrated.” ~Ernest Cline, Ready Player One Jim O'Shaughnessy, the best-selling author and founder of O'Shaughnessy Asset Management is back to discuss optimism, escapism, and (as one well-known person put it) "reality privilege" in a new SuperSalon hosted by court jester for hire/hometown prophet, Bronwyn Williams. “The vast majority of humanity lacks…


The Future Of The Internet: Is It Open and Free?


Hosts Max Beverton-Palmer and Matt Nguyen are from the Internet Policy Unit at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. Max’s work focuses on social media, online regulation, and AI governance and ethics. Matt’s work focuses on digital rights, platform governance, and the future of the public sphere. In this salon, they will be discussing…


Understanding Addiction: A Series of Four Salons

Psychologist and neuroscientist Marc Lewis, along with drug policy reformer Shaun Shelly, will host a four-part salon series on the nature of addiction and new approaches to treatment and care. These salons will challenge the dominant but misguided disease model of addiction and replace it with progressive approaches that integrate emotional learning, environmental factors (family,…


Musical Potluck: Longing


Russel Ramos continues his members-only track series where participants can each contribute a song for a musical tasting session, based on the theme of the month.   During the musical potlucks, we will explore the vibrancy of musical tastes, aspects of listening, and emotional resonances lovingly baked into each song offering.   February’s theme –…


Real Life Screen Slavers? Are We Unfree Online?


Join Donald Frederick, Christophe Porot, and Douglas Casson for a thought-provoking conversation on society and tech. In the movie Incredibles 2 there is a villain called the screen slaver who enslaves people to their screens. But how far away is this from modern reality and the role of the screen in our current lives? Freedom…


Variety Hour with Vivek


Ever wondered what your fellow interintellects and friends can do? Have a skill or a talent you’d like to share with us? Come one, come all to Variety Hour with Vivek!  Just put your name in the bag! You’ll have between 5 and 10 minutes to present absolutely anything! Sing a song, tell a story,…
