Puzzled: How To Do Well in Education and in Life


Join Eyal Shay, dialectician and philosopher, and Plato to learn about learning how to do well in life. In this salon we will discuss learning, rationality, critical thinking, puzzles, and Plato's work (no prior knowledge necessary), and try our hands at a hands-on exercise in learning. There are few things more exciting than a treasure…


Why Do We Scroll?


Join Yatharth and Dalton for a mindful exploration of what it’s like to doom scroll, procrastinate, or otherwise feel beheld to our devices. It’s that time of year we make resolutions. We spend…


Revenge: Fantasies and Reality


Join Clare Gustavsson and Alison Taylor to explore the cultural, personal, and political dimensions of revenge.   "Revenge is a confession of pain" —Latin Proverb "Revenge is sweet and not fattening" —Alfred Hitchcock   What do we seek when we dream of revenge? What do our fantasies of revenge tell us about ourselves? When is…
