Nervous to Naked: How an Introvert Expanded His Comfort Zone


In this salon, Nat Sharpe will share how he went from hiding in bathrooms during events to attending naked dance parties. The discussion will cover social anxiety, building confidence, and exposure therapy. You can share your own experience or question Nat about his (the more uncomfortable the questions, the better). One scary challenge Nat did…


From Nuts and Bolts to Novels: A Historical Exploration and Writing Workshop

Join Ulkar Aghayeva for a writing workshop led by Lily Rock, Jameel Martin, and Ryan Tuozzolo as part of the Words and Sounds series exploring connections between literature and music. “We are always searching for the unconditioned, but only ever finding things.” –Novalis We will discuss “artist habits” – a spectrum of work habits of…


What Information Wants, Chapter 1: How The Universe Evolved Before Evolution


Rhys Lindmark is writing a book about how information flows and how it’s changing on the internet. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. This is the 2nd salon for Rhys Lindmark's series on What Information Wants. Join…


How Places Impact Our Thinking, Choices, and Our Lives


In this salon Interintellect host Patricia Hurducas leads a discussion on how the places we live in and work in impact our thought processes, creativity, imagination, and ultimately the trajectory of our lives. "Street names must speak to the urban wanderer like the snapping of dry twigs, and little streets in the heart of the city…


Straight Talk and Life Questions: Stress, Expectations, and Status

Teens have straight, important questions, but few adults ever give straight answers… until now. Andrew and Isabela are teaming up to share wisdom and demystify the world for teens in this 12-part series. Teens have straight, important questions, but few adults ever give straight answers, in many cases because they don't want to admit that…


The Great Interintellect Friend Finding Self Discovering Mingle (Part 5)


Fellow Interintellects Katrina Dela Cruz and Brian Ahuja invite you once again to a salon of inter(intellect)mingling, of finding friends and rediscovering old ones, in group convos and 1:1s, just the way you like it… The Great Interintellect Mingle is back again! Come meet new friends (and maybe some old friends as well) in the main room as well…
