Classical Music and the Other Arts


Interintellect host Linus Lu continues his series all about classical music by exploring the relationship between classical music and history.  Classical music has long been influenced by—and been an influence on—other art forms. From operas based on myths and works of literature, to films using classical music in their soundtracks, we’ll discuss how classical music interacts with different types of…


A Love Letter to Urban Jungles


In this first salon of a mini-series, Judit Petho explores what makes living in a buzzing metropolis exciting and difficult to quit   “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford” said Dr Samuel Johnson in 1777. Most Londoners would echo…


In Praise of Idleness: On the Virtues of Rest


In his latest Interintellect Salon, Visakan Veerasamy leads a talk about tiredness, rest, and doing nothing.  I'm tired. Are you tired? We're all tired. We live in tiresome times. We should probably rest. Is there time to rest? Let's talk about it! Let's talk about the psychology of it, and about the assumptions we have about…


The Art of Using Constraints To Push The Limits Of Our Creativity


In her debut salon, Silvia Bastos will host a conversation about deliberately using constraints to help us unlock, direct, and increase our creative power. Dr. Seuss's wrote his book Green Eggs and Ham using only fifty different words. The Beatles recorded their whole album Please Please Me in one day. To fight procrastination, Neil Gaiman…


Inequality, Individualism, and Indispensability – From Adam Smith to Gary Becker, A Dead Economists Society Salon on the value of being different

In this Dead Economists Society Salon Bronwyn Williams and Peter Isztin discuss people (after all, the economy is, ultimately, the sum total of the choices made by individuals like you and I) - what makes us different and how are we the same. “Be faithful to that which exists nowhere but in yourself- and thus make…


The Beautiful Girls – The Complex Women of ‘Mad Men’


Interintellect founder Anna Gát revisits legendary TV series Mad Men to explore the complicated history of midcentury women whose struggles in the workplace and the home foreshadowed many of today's difficulties and victories.  Accompanying its characters during one of the most turbulent and transformational decades of the 20th century, the TV series Mad Men lives…


Writer’s Corner: Writing in Theory and Practice, Chapter 6


In the Writer's Corner workshop salons hosted by Sylvia R, we gather to discuss and learn from some of the greatest writers and works of literature.  In this session, the focus will be on Jorge Luis Borges's short story "Death and the Compass". The workshop will be structured as follows: Section 1: Discuss This is an…


In Praise of The Prophet Series – Part 3: Joy and Sorrow, Houses, Clothes


In this salon series, Tanya Raj leads deep-dive discussions on The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and his philosophy on living a life with purpose and meaning. In this salon, we will delve into what are joys and sorrows and how they touch everyone, what is the concept of house and if it is the same as home,…
