“Interintellect 101”: A Host’s Introduction to Interintellect for Anyone Curious – Part 2 (India/Asia/Australia Timezone)


Have you asked the question: What exactly is Interintellect?  You might have heard about it, seen events floating on the internet, or have friends who might have mentioned it. All the time wondering what is it all about. Here is your chance to join us in this introductory salon to get answers to all your…


Heidegger and the Meaning of Life


In this salon, debut host, Zohar Atkins, will lead a discussion about Heidegger's Being and Time with particular attention to the question of how and whether philosophy can help us live meaningful lives. Heidegger's Being and Time (1927) is one of the most important, influential, difficult, and controversial works of all time, yet the questions it…


LARPing at the End of History (Fantasy Politics 2/3)


In this salon (the second in the three-part mini-series), Jake Orthwein will lead a discussion on the strange unreality of contemporary politics. In The End of History and the Last Man, Francis Fukuyama issued a qualification to his famous pronouncement that the ideological struggles of history had reached their culmination. He worried that the deep connection…


Life After Debt – A Dead Economists Society Series Salon


The Dead Economists Society Salon series continues as Bronwyn Williams and Peter Isztin discuss the many approaches to borrowing and lending money. “Debts are like children: the smaller they are the more noise they make.” ~ Spanish Proverb As global debt based 281 trillion US dollars this year, we are asking the questions : What are the real risks of all…


Berlin IRL Meetup – “Travel after Covid”

Berlin Volkspark Friedrichshain Friedrichshain, Berlin

Lukas Rosenstock is travelling to Berlin and wants to make the most out of his trip. What better way is there than to meet fellow Interintellect folks?! This IRL gathering happens in Volkspark Friedrichshain (where our previous Berlin IRL gathering already took place). Please keep an eye on the Berlin Discord channel or contact Lukas…


Digital Collectibles: Ownership and Scarcity; Infinity and Ephemerality?


In this Interintellect Salon, Dominic Duffin will lead an exploration of digital collectibles, why, how and what we collect, and what collecting looks like in virtual space. Human beings love to collect. Whether model aircraft or contemporary art, collectible cards or Swiss watches, collecting for the pleasure of owning and displaying a collection is well…


What Does it Take to Build a Tinier Future: The History and Philosophy of Nanotechnology


In his debut Interintellect salon, David White will explore how we came to construct objects and machines at the atomic scale as well as the  implications of nanotechnology for its practitioners and society at large. One of the principal promises of advancing technological innovation is the opening of new domains of inquiry.  Since Democritus first…


Can Consilience Save Us from Societal Collapse?


Interintellect Tom Beakbane discusses the divisions in society and how they might be reconciled.  Here are four suppositions about our collective predicament: Society is undergoing extremely rapid change resulting from technological developments. The institutions that have historically provided social cohesion and sensemaking are proving inadequate. Levels of social anxiety are increasing and society is fractionating…


A History of War: Aftermath, Reparations, Justice


In the penultimate episode of A History of War series hosted by Interintellect founder Anna Gát, we will explore reparations, reconstruction and redistribution - regeneration - and how countries both victorious or defeated deal with what comes after the fighting. “What has come to light is neither nihilism nor cynicism, as one might have expected,…


Enlightenment to Entanglement: How to Think About Technological Complexity


In this salon, writer and scientist Samuel Arbesman leads a discussion around how to think about and live with the complex technologies around us. From machine-learning systems and desktop computers, to our automobiles and the infrastructure of the Internet, we are in an era of complex technologies, ones that are increasingly incomprehensible. And this is…


Understanding the City: An Introduction to Urbanism


In this salon Camilo Arturo Suárez leads a discussion on the range of starting points from which one can begin to understand the city as a place of intersectional human experience and it's relation to the built environment. Cities are incredibly complex places, but often, they are complex in ways we do not always perceive.…
