Your Boss is Not Your Kindergarten Teacher


In a new Interintellect Salon, Visakan Veerasamy will cohost with Malcolm Ocean a collective exploration of emotional flashbacks in the context of Malcolm’s dream mashups metaphor: Everyone is basically living in a dream mashup of their current external situation and their old emotional meanings. Like dreaming you're at school but it's also on a boat somehow.…


Music and Emotion Sharing Circle


Debut host Rosano invites you to this listening salon, exploring the music we listen to and sharing how it affects us. — Post-salon update: listen to our collective playlist. — In this salon, participants are encouraged to bring music to share during the event. We will listen collectively to your music, and then discuss what…


The Philosophy of Psychedelics


In part three of this mini-series with host Alex Criddle, we will examine what, if anything, psychedelics tell us about the nature of reality, the mind, and what it means to be human.  A frequent claim by psychonauts is that everything is connected and we are all one. Another is that love is everything. These…


You’ve Quit Your Job – Now What?


Second in philosopher and life coach Pamela J. Hobart's Salon series on work, You've Quit Your Job - Now What? provides attendees the opportunity to plot their next professional steps.  Do you have a growing, uncomfortable history of job-hobbing? Do you start every job excited, only to leave in frustration and shame? Not sure whether…


“Interintellect 101”: A Host’s Introduction to Interintellect for Anyone Curious – Part 2 (India/Asia/Australia Timezone)


Have you asked the question: What exactly is Interintellect?  You might have heard about it, seen events floating on the internet, or have friends who might have mentioned it. All the time wondering what is it all about. Here is your chance to join us in this introductory salon to get answers to all your…


Heidegger and the Meaning of Life


In this salon, debut host, Zohar Atkins, will lead a discussion about Heidegger's Being and Time with particular attention to the question of how and whether philosophy can help us live meaningful lives. Heidegger's Being and Time (1927) is one of the most important, influential, difficult, and controversial works of all time, yet the questions it…


LARPing at the End of History (Fantasy Politics 2/3)


In this salon (the second in the three-part mini-series), Jake Orthwein will lead a discussion on the strange unreality of contemporary politics. In The End of History and the Last Man, Francis Fukuyama issued a qualification to his famous pronouncement that the ideological struggles of history had reached their culmination. He worried that the deep connection…
