Guide to Using the Interintellect Community Forum

Table of Contents

Welcome, fellow Interintellect!

This guide provides essential tips to help you navigate Interintellect’s vibrant community forum.

If you’ve joined our Host Training sessions, you know we often describe Interintellect as having both a Stage and a Backstage.

Stage: this represents our public-facing Interintellect Salons.

Backstage:  represents member-only events and the community forum on Discord, where intriguing discussions and meaningful connections happen around the clock.

This guide will help you make the most of your Backstage experience.

Getting Started

Accessing the Forum

Access to our Discord server is granted with an active Interintellect subscription or by becoming an active Interintellect Host.

See Joining the ii Community for more details, including more on our subscription plans 🚀

With an active membership, you will get an invitation link to our Discord channel. Download the Discord app on your device, or access  Discord directly in a web browser.

Where to Begin Once You’re In

Joining an active forum can feel like confusing, but don’t worry, you’re not alone! 

Start by checking out the following channels:

#👋 new_members_intros: Introduce yourself with a brief bio, social media links, and salons you’ve attended. We want to get to know you! 

#👀 forum_digest: Weekly recap of forum activities and upcoming events.

#📝 info_and_conduct: Links to useful resources and guidelines.

Explore personal host channels and dedicated series channels for those following a particular series.

Your Name and Avatar

Our community is built on trust. Therefore, we suggest that members use their real name and upload a picture of themselves as their avatar.

To change your nickname, right-click on the Interintellect server button (to the left) or on the Interintellect server name at the top.

Unfortunately, if you are on multiple Discord servers, it is not possible to change your avatar for one server only, the change will apply to all. You can change your Discord-wide avatar in “User Settings”.

As an alternative, some members chose to create a new Discord account just for the ii Discord..

ii Forum Structure

A Discord server is organized in multiple channels (sometimes called rooms). Most are text-based, while some are voice-based. Here is an overview of the ii Discord’s channel structure.

For more information on Discord in general, see this beginner’s guide on the Discord website.


By default, you should not receive notifications from any channels unless you are mentioned directly. We encourage you to activate notifications for the channels you are most interested in, so you don’t miss anything.

Similarly, you can mute channels you don’t care to receive updates on. Considering the large number of channels, we encourage all members to do this in order to have the best Discord experience with our community!

General Channels

This section contains various channels of general interest. Notable channels include:

#📢 announcements channel: used by the ii Team to  announce any important company changes, upcoming events, etc. Be sure to keep an eye on it from time to time!

#👀 forum_digest: a summary of the best daily content in the forum 

#📝 info_and_conduct and #👋 new_members_intros channels, as mentioned above

#🗓 salons channel: lists all upcoming events when as  posted on our  website

#💻 site_feedback: a good place to leave comments on the ii website during its ongoing development.

Voice Channels

☕ ii Café is the main place to hang out with anyone in the community. 

Hosts can additionally access the 🛋 Host Lounge.

Jump into a voice channel at any time, however,  we do have a few informal meetups scheduled and some recurring. You can use this forum to schedule an informal meetup.

Event Channels

For all Hosts, we highly recommend activating notifications on your Host channel!

Most series also have a dedicated series channel. These are especially useful for series attendees who want to keep in touch with each other and keep track of a series, organize informal readings, or prepare study sessions for the next episode!

There are also a few channels dedicated to facilitating Salon hosting:




Thematic and Location Channels

We have a number of channels for sharing and discussing ideas, personal writing, media, and on various topic discussions, from philosophy to engineering to pets.

Please don’t hesitate to engage with your favorite topics 📚

We also have channels based on location — cities, regions, or countries. We usually create these channels when we notice there are several Interintellects in a given location. Feel free to use them to meet fellow community members in your area!

If you think a channel should exist but doesn’t yet, just contact an ii admin. They will likely ask you to “demonstrate interest” — you can do this by posting in a channel of your liking to see if it receives engagement.

Private Rooms

Private channels are not visible by default, you can request to be added to them by contacting an admin. These channels are:

#🤫 secret — for very confidential discussion

#🌈 lgbtqi — a safe space for people of sexual and gender minorities

#💋 singles_mingle — a place for singles who are open to new relationships

#🐇 psychedelic — for the discussion of psychedelic traditions

#🔢 asd_support — a space for the neurodiverse 

Additionally, #💚 host_greenroom is a private channel accessible to all ii Hosts for discussing all things hosting.

If you have an idea for the addition of a Private Channel, contact an ii Admin. We will announce any new private channels in #📢 announcements and add them to the above list.


Roles in Discord determine your access to certain channels.

You can read more about the roles here:


To make the most of your forum experience, follow the below principles:

  • Review our Discord Conduct Guidelines
  • Use your real name and profile picture as an avatar
  • Don’t hesitate to use direct messages (DMs) to get to know your fellow Interintellects. Some people report that the ii is an excellent place to create meaningful 1-on-1 friendships.
  • You can also send friend requests on Discord. This is necessary if you want to create group DMs.
  • Respect boundaries. Do not pester community members who do not respond.

Enjoy the community, make friends, and, most importantly – have fun in discussions!