Isabela Granic

About me:

I’m a professor in developmental psychology transitioning out of full-time academia to work at the intersection of science and industry. My research lab synthesizes psychological science, design, and art to build transformative technology that improves mental health and wellbeing. I’m now moving our methods and models out of the ivory tower into the “real world” and supporting creative teams as they build digital ecosystems that are kind, eclectic, intelligent, and socially innovative.

The Interintellect has become my intellectual home away from academia, a community that inspires and enlivens me regularly. I host salons on a wide range of topics including the development of the self, narrative identity, creative collaborations and the tools that support them, the science and art of marriage, and the genius of Leonard Cohen. I also co-host a salon series focused on reading and collectively metabolizing one poem; each of these close readings unfolds over three hours to become an intimate gathering of diverse minds searching and sharing personal and universal truths.

Starting in the fall, I’ll be launching a new series of online and offline salons delving into some of the most perplexing mysteries of the human condition including memory, the collective unconscious, intersubjectivity, and “parts psychology” (or Internal Family Systems theory). Regardless of the content of any of my salons, I’m most inspired when I am helping bright minds connect with other minds, dissolving disciplinary boundaries and creating the collective conditions for genuinely novel ideas to arise and iterate into the world more broadly.