How To Have Conversations With Your Body, And Why Most People Don’t


In this salon, mathematician-turned-massage-therapist Elena Polozova and somatic coach James Mayfield will share that it’s totally possible to talk to your body. And also, they’ll guide you through doing it yourself, right here in these two hours. What does it mean for your body to “speak”? It’s quite literal. James consults his knees about how…


How To Have Conversations With Your Body, And Why Most People Don’t


In this salon, mathematician-turned-massage-therapist Elena Polozova and somatic coach James Mayfield will share that it’s totally possible to talk to your body. And also, they’ll guide you through doing it yourself, right here in these three hours. What does it mean for your body to “speak”? It’s quite literal. James consults his knees about how…


Desk Job Malaise: What Do Such ‘Good’ Jobs Still Leave To Be Desired?


In this salon, machine-leaning-engineer-turned-massage-therapist Elena Polozova and somatic coach James Mayfield Smith will get very, very specific about why jobs that many of us grew up told would make us happy (such as tech jobs, high-paying corporate jobs with good benefits, etc.) often don't, and what we can do about it.  “I have such a…
