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- Salons
- Kasey Klimes
Kasey Klimes
What can LEGO bricks teach us about the human mind? Join researcher and technologist Kasey Klimes live in New York City for a conversation that will explore design for emergence as an alternative to user-centered design and its implications for the expansion of human intelligence.
Seymour Papert and Mitchel Resnick described great learning technologies as having “low floors, high ceilings, and wide walls.” Low floors mean it’s easy to get started, high ceilings means projects can become increasingly sophisticated over time, and wide walls mean there are many different paths one can take.
Might this open-ended approach suggest a new framework for the practice of design? What does it mean for the future of learning?
This event will take place in a real Montessori classroom space. Please RSVP. Location details will be shared via email and in the New York channel of the Interintellect community forum.
Recommended Readings
Lifelong Kindergarten by Mitchel Resnick
A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander
The Nature of Technology by Brian Arthur