Running on Empty: Exploring Our Relationship with Burnout

In this salon, Interintellects Vidhika Bansal and Kushaan Shah ask: what does the spectrum of burnout look like?  Most of us have experienced some form of burnout before. Hell, you might even be feeling it at this particular moment. Whether it’s through work, daily content creation on Twitter, keeping up with dating apps, parenting through a pandemic, or…

Why TikTok is the Height of Culture


In this salon Interintellects Kushaan Shah and Amir H. Hajizamani host a discussion about the cultural merits of social media platform Tik Tok  TikTok has taken the world by storm. With more than 600 million users, TikTok has ignited a creative revolution during the pandemic and introduced new trends in fashion, commerce, health and so much more. What was once…
