*MEMBERS-ONLY* Community Meet & Greet

ii Café Voice Channel

“Community Meet & Greet” is an on-going series, where Interintellect Community Manager Nicky Buttigieg will welcome new members and introduce them to our community. If you're new to the Interintellect community, come introduce yourself and get to know other community members. If you've been a part of our community for a while, then come hang…


✨ London IRL: Community Gathering ✨

London, Barbican

Spend an evening socialising with fellow Interintellect members, exchanging ideas and forming meaningful connections. Hope to see you there! 


*MEMBERS ONLY* Community Chats | Reading


Interintellect Community Manager Nicky Buttigieg hosts a casual hangout to chat about what we've been reading. Let's talk about what we've been spending our time reading—books, poems, blog posts, newsletterism whatever you've been enjoying and curious about! *** 🗓 ii Calendar | 📋 Code of Conduct | 📚 Become a Member


*MEMBERS ONLY* Community Chats | Musical Musings


Interintellect Community Manager Nicky Buttigieg hosts a casual hangout to explore the variety of music that we collectively listen to. Come join us for our community chat where we'll be hanging out and listening to a variety of music together, in between talking about our connections to artists and songs, reflecting on how they make…


*MEMBERS-ONLY* Community Meet & Greet

ii Café Voice Channel

“Community Meet & Greet” is an on-going series, where Interintellect Community Manager Nicky Buttigieg will welcome new members and introduce them to our community. If you're new to the Interintellect community, come introduce yourself and get to know other community members. If you've been a part of our community for a while, then come hang…


Community Meet & Greet

ii Café Voice Channel

“Community Meet & Greet” is an on-going series, where Interintellect Community Manager Nicky Buttigieg will welcome new members and introduce them to our community. If you're new to the Interintellect community, come introduce yourself and get to know other community members. If you've been a part of our community for a while, then come hang…


Community Townhall | Shaping Interintellect’s Hosting & Community Knowledge Base

ii Café Voice Channel

Interintellect Community Manager Nicky Buttigieg will be hosting a Community Townhall to gather feedback on hosting and community documentation forming part of The Interintellect Knowledge Base. Join us at this Community Townhall to help shape our Interintellect Knowledge Base, also known as the Atheneum. It contains information on Interintellect events, the community and hosting salons.…


Community Chats | Musical Musings


Nicky Buttigieg hosts a casual hangout to explore the variety of music that we collectively listen to. Come join us for our community chat, where we'll be hanging out and listening to a variety of music together, in between talking about our connections to the artists and songs, reflecting on how they make us feel.…


Community Meet & Greet

ii Café Voice Channel

“Community Meet & Greet” is an on-going series, where Nicky Buttigieg will welcome new members and introduce them to our community. If you're new to the Interintellect community, come introduce…
