Things To Try Before Quitting Your Job


At her debut Interintellect salon/workshop, Pamela J. Hobart (philosopher a.k.a. "The Life Coach for Smart People") will help attendees figure out when they can - and should! - try something before quitting a mediocre job, vs. when they should proceed directly to the exit.  Finding yourself in a job that's too bad to tolerate as-is,…


You’ve Quit Your Job – Now What?


Second in philosopher and life coach Pamela J. Hobart's Salon series on work, You've Quit Your Job - Now What? provides attendees the opportunity to plot their next professional steps.  Do you have a growing, uncomfortable history of job-hobbing? Do you start every job excited, only to leave in frustration and shame? Not sure whether…


“Clarity” : The Unclear Ideal


In this Salon, veteran host and philosophical life coach Pamela J. Hobart invites participants to consider the concept of “clarity” in one’s life - What is it? Why do we want “clarity?” Should we want it? In over 2 years of philosophical life coaching work with over one hundred clients, virtually everyone has shown up…
