Charting the careers of successful public intellectuals


In his latest Interintellect Salon, Visakan Veerasamy will lead an exploration of successful creatives and intellectuals throughout history.  Let's focus particularly on people who achieved success during their lifetimes. How did intellectuals achieve positions of power, influence, status? What were the stepping stones along the way? In this Salon, let’s ask and explore: How do…

Dealing With Bullsh*t: Internally, Socially, and Societally


In his latest Interintellect Salon, Visakan Veerasamy will discuss bullsh*t. Literally.  Life would be relatively simple if we only had to deal with truths and falsehoods. But in reality, effectively everything is incorrect to some degree of error – and worse, lots of people are indifferent to the truthfulness of a thing. Lots of people are…
