Young Founder/Hacker Circle October


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Navigating the early days of adulthood as a founder, creative, hacker or dropout can be challenging. Let’s talk about it and share our insights! In this weekly series, Zack and Zelda open a space for makers to share what they’re working on, receive support and make new friends.

Our ancestors gathered around a fire to share what was on their mind & heart. They were listened to, and had the opportunity to advise their peers’ concerns and dreams, too. Similarly, we invite you to join the tribe and contribute by sharing the rabbit holes you went down, the work you need accountability or feedback on, or whatever struggle you’re going through.

You will leave energized by the driven folks part of our group and inspired by their own work and processes.

Our event roughly consist in:

  • A short guided meditation,
  • A round to get to know each other,
  • Sharings on what you and others have been working on, learning, or struggling with this last week
  • A warm closing and intention or goal setting until our next meeting

You are welcome to join if:

  • You are between 16 and 27 years old
  • You are a founder, dropout, creative, or internet kid hacking on your own projects

Recommended watching:

  • Podcast episode where co-host Zelda is interviewing legendary hacker Talin, who extensively talks about how he became a better programmer and human by making friends and being part of a community

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