
Wednesday, February 3, 2021 @ 05:00 PM UTC

Close Reading Hunter S. Thompson's 'Ninth Path' Letter

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Fellow Interintellect Russell Max Simon invites you to discuss the "Ninth Path" and how it may be used for understanding personal narratives
"... beware of looking for goals: look for a way of life.
Decide how you want to live and then see what you can do to make a living WITHIN that way of life."
"A young Hunter S. Thompson once wrote that if you can't see any real purpose in the paths laid before you, well then you MUST FIND A NINTH PATH. The letter is an inspiration for those trying to make sense of their personal journey — but are there dangers to such a close embrace of the life path metaphor? As we humans engage in sense-making and write personal narrative, what can we learn from Thompson's letter, and where might we be misled by embracing his advice to find a Ninth Path." - Salon Host Russell Max Simon *** Good to read pre-Salon: *** Time zones:
  • 4 pm in San Francisco
  • 7 pm in New York
  • 4 Feb, 9 am in Tokyo
  • 4 Feb, 11 am in Sydney
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Tickets are no longer available because the event is in the past.

Wed, Feb 305:00 PM UTC to 08:00 PM UTC




Wed, Feb 305:00 PM UTC to 08:00 PM UTC



Tickets are no longer available because the event is in the past.

Wed, Feb 305:00 PM UTC to 08:00 PM UTC


