Book Therapy: Share Your Life Story and Leave with Ten Personal Book Recommendations


After an exciting members-only version of this event, on June 17 we will gather again to welcome all our friends to an Interintellect Book Recommendation Party! Your salon host will be Anna Gát, founder of the ii. LIMITED TICKETS! How it works: In the safe, friendly, unrecorded format of the Interintellect salon, you will be invited…

The Evolved Eye of the Beholder: Why Do We See Beauty?


Fellow Interintellect Étienne Fortier-Dubois dives into the evolutionary origins of beauty. Why are some things beautiful? Why are some works of art (e.g. the Mona Lisa) more beautiful than others (e.g. a crappy drawing I just made today)? What makes people attractive? What gives people different taste? Clearly, the proverb “beauty is in the eye of the…


The Tao of Pooh Reading Salon


Join Yatharth Agarwal in a live, Interintellect group reading of The Tao of Pooh — a whimsical tale of the principles of Taoism, told through Winnie-the-Pooh.   This is a book to be experienced, not to be read. Join us as the words come alive, fill the space, and we notice what is left.   "When you…


It’s Time to Code.


In this salon, Mishka Orakzai will be hosting a discussion on the buzz to learn to code and its relevance for our future. We'll be talking about the coding literacy movement, the ever-growing tech industry, and contrasting them with Marc Andreessen's infamous "It's time to build" essay - where he argues that despite the resources…


A Reproducing Biosphere? – The Climatic Explosion of Homo Sapiens and Whether It’s Bad to Enjoy It


In his debut salon, Nat Sharpe invites you to reimagine the relationship between Homo Sapiens and the biosphere of Earth. I once heard someone compare humanity to cancer. It was disturbing. But the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. And the more depressed and guilty I became. Our conquest of Earth…


The Curation Series – Understanding the Curator (Part 1) with Patricia Hurducas

During this Interintellect Curation Series Patricia Hurducas will lead a discussion on the topic of curation in three parts: Understanding the Curator (Part 1), Copying the Curator (Part 2), and Becoming the Curator (Part 3). In the first part of the series - Understanding the Curator - we will explore the history of curation, the role…


Down the Rabbit Hole: We’re All Mad Here – Camp Curiosity Finale


In the finale of our curiosity series with Helena Ng, let's join hands once again to build our ultimate virtual playground. We'll use this exquisite time together to reflect, make notes, and celebrate in the name of play. Dear curiosity buddy, 'I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I…


Things To Try Before Quitting Your Job


At her debut Interintellect salon/workshop, Pamela J. Hobart (philosopher a.k.a. "The Life Coach for Smart People") will help attendees figure out when they can - and should! - try something before quitting a mediocre job, vs. when they should proceed directly to the exit.  Finding yourself in a job that's too bad to tolerate as-is,…


Drawing Time and Attention


In her debut Interintellect Workshop Salon, Julia Racsko will go beyond criticising the attention economy and set out to create an alternative by exploring our understanding of attention through drawing. All of our lives: our perceptions, memories, emotions are mediated through our attentional capacities, yet it is often discussed in terms of productivity or time…


A Walk Around Princeton University


Interintellect Alaka Halder hosts a summer meet-up at Princeton University (Central New Jersey), her alma mater. We'll walk through the lovely Prospect Garden, try to spot gargoyles perched on historic campus buildings, enjoy outdoor sculptures, and maybe stop for snacks and coffee on Nassau Street. Check your email and the New York channel on Discord…


Living to Best Advantage: Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham


Educator Raffi Grinberg facilitates a discussion on practical lessons about how to live a fulfilling life from W. Somerset Maugham's masterpiece, Of Human Bondage. This literary masterpiece about growing into adulthood is shockingly relevant 100+ years later, and has deep, practical lessons to teach us about not falling in love with the wrong person, why…
