Self-Compassion fireside: *Starting Again*


Join Gina Hafez in Interintellect's Self-Compassion Series is starting again! Gina is a therapist and educator with a history of working in jails, clinics, mental institutions, schools and hospitals but has most recently taken on less "diagnosis" and more open inquiry and enhancing philosophical awareness in her work! In the first of our five part series,…


Canceled Young Hackers/ Founders Circle


Our ancestors gathered around a fire to share their wisdom & struggles for millennials. Similarly, Young Hacker/ Founder Circle is a monthly event in which we connect from all sides of the planet to share our challenges, doubts and wins. The problems might not go away, but having a community to face them is a…


Pessoa’s city – Lisbon IRL – A meet & greet for new members


Interintellect founder Anna Gát hosts a casual dinner for new members living in or visiting lovely Lisbon where we will discuss Pessoa's poetry, as well as art, identity, language, and our journeys. Pessoa's bio and a few poems to read ahead of the gathering. The exact location of this gathering will be shared via email and the…


Learning From the Psychedelic Experience: Processing High Valence Experiences


We invite you to join our members only online integration circle hosted by Alex Criddle. This is a sacred, supportive space for processing and integrating profound emotional experiences, specifically those related to recent encounters with psychedelics. We'll gather together to honor the transformative power of psychedelic experiences and offer a compassionate embrace to anyone seeking…


Why Americans Don’t Understand Dictatorships


We'll investigate what movies, TV series, and books from the West get so wrong about dictatorships, and whether this political naivety is a weakness or a superpower when it comes to real-life events. Hosted by Interintellect founder Anna Gát. Interintellect founder Anna Gát has long observed how modern Western depictions of dictatorial systems - A…
