Genre-Focused Workshop #1: Funk


In this episode of his music production workshop series, musician and sound engineer Zsolt Török invites you to explore and recreate the sound of classic funk bands such as Parliament and Earth, Wind & Fire. The genre-focused workshop salons differ from the previous episodes of this series, in that they build upon the fundamental skills…


Host Chat: Your Next Salon Topic (hangout in the ii Café)


Thought about hosting a salon sometime but you’re not sure yet what it should be about? Join Interintellect producer Maria Górska-Piszek for a brainstorming session and let’s find a topic that gets you excited to explore it further with the ii community. The best Salon topics start with something you care deeply about. Is there a question…

21st Century Monetary Policy | Part III: From Liftoff to the COVID-19 Pandemic


Join Jared Davis—a software engineer in Cambridge, Massachusetts who enjoys studying mathematics and reads widely—for the third of a four-part discussion of 21st Century Monetary Policy. In this salon, we will discuss the first part of Ben Bernanke’s book, 21st Century Monetary Policy. Bernanke is an economist, historian, and Chairperson of the US Federal Reserve…


Drunk SuperSalon — How We Sipped, Danced, and Stumbled Our Way to Civilization, with author Edward Slingerland


In this exciting online discussion, please join professor of philosophy and writer Edward Slingerland and Interintellect host Bryan Kam to discuss Edward’s book Drunk, a deep dive into the alcohol-soaked origins of civilization and the evolutionary roots of humanity’s appetite for intoxication. While plenty of entertaining books have been written about the history of alcohol…


How to Be Authentic


In an age of self-exposure, what does it mean to be authentic? Join Skye C. Cleary, a philosopher whose third book is titled How to Be Authentic: Simone de Beauvoir and the Quest for Fulfillment (out August 2022). She teaches at Columbia University and the City College of New York. Her writing has appeared in The…


Chapter 16: The Evolution of Creativity – The Beginning of Infinity Reading Group (Members Only)


Join members of the “Gödel, Escher, Bach” book club in reading through David Deutsch’s “The Beginning of Infinity.” Share the pleasure of wrestling with a challenging, thought-provoking book with the help of friendly peers’ additional eyes, hearts, minds, and experiences. Maybe you heard about it on Naval's podcast, or perhaps you follow the father of…
