Hello New Hosts! (“Micro-Salon” Practice + Encouragement)


Interintellect host and mentor Visakan Veerasamy leads an experimental mini-salon made up of your micro-salon ideas. Friends, new and old, welcome to Interintellect! We’ve now hosted a couple of events where we discuss, broadly speaking, what makes a good ii salon. Let’s try something slightly different: bring us your salon ideas, and let’s try them out in…


Host Office Hours: Planning Your Salon (in the ii Café)

ii Café Voice Channel

For all hosts new and old (and prospective!): Have you always wanted to start and need a pair of eyes on your salon ideas? Do you have a salon coming up and want to give it your best? Do you want a second opinion on possible event types? Join Interintellect editor Tim to discuss the…

The Power of Speculative Fiction: SuperSalon with Eliot Peper – Reap3r


Joining our community and friends, author Eliot Peper discusses the power of sci-fi and speculative fiction with Mariel Rošić. Eliot Peper is a novelist based in Oakland, CA. He is the author of Veil, Breach, Borderless, Bandwidth, Cumulus, Neon Fever Dream, Exit Strategy, Power Play, and Version 1.0, and his books have earned praise from the New York Times…


The ADHD Child and Healing


Join Rachel as we explore the motivations of the ADHD child and why oppositionality, counterwill, and autonomy are interrelated and inseparable from one another. In addition, we will discuss the teenage experience of how ADHD manifests and how one might be able to receive healing in some sense, as an adult looking back at these…


Automation, Productivity, Work, and the Future: A Conversation with Erik Brynjolfsson


Economist and author Erik Brynjolfsson joins host Jason Crawford and the Interintellect community for a SuperSalon on the economics of automation, productivity, and jobs. How has digital technology driven the reinvention of our lives and our economy, and what will the full impact of these technologies be? What are the opportunities and challenges inherent in technologies such as…


Host Office Hours: Your Upcoming Salon (in the ii Café)

Do you have an upcoming salon? Or questions how the process works? Join Interintellect team member Liza to discuss how your salon is set-up, what's possible, and what you should be doing for the best salon experience. Come discuss such elements as event structure, Zoom set-up, the calendar, attendees, follow-up, promotion, reminder emails, and more.…

How do Psychedelics Work?

Are you interested in the foundational texts and topics that have shaped psychedelic use and research today? Join hosts Alex Criddle and Ava for a monthly series on these fundamental ideas and texts that have shaped psychedelia. Neuroscientists Robin Carhart-Harris and Karl Friston have proposed a neurological framework for understanding how psychedelics work called the…


On the Line | Behind the scenes of building a labor union with Daisy Pitkin – New Labor Book Series #3


Join us for our third book talk with writer and long-time organizer Daisy Pitkin, who has chronicled her experiences of building a union with industrial laundry and garment workers in her book, On the Line: A Story of Class, Solidarity, and Two Women’s Epic Fight to Build a Union.  We will talk to her about…


From Thought to Page: A Historical Exploration and Workshop on Composition


Join the Juilliard musicians/composers Daniel Hass and Jameel Martin—and self-discovered composer Ulkar Aghayeva—for a discussion about the joy and challenge of writing music. If you are interested in music and writing more broadly—and how they connect—follow the rest of the Words and Sounds series. “Composing is a difficult business. “Desperately difficult,” says the devil in…


The Future of Work: Ready for ‘Anywhere Jobs’?


JUST STARTING A NEW CAREER? ENJOY THIS SPECIAL TICKET DISCOUNT - ALL PROCEEDS TO BE DONATED TO RemoteUkraine, helping refugees find employment online. This SuperSalon is part of a ten-part series called The Future Of, launched in partnership with the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. What does "WFH" mean for mothers? How can a…


In Our Own Image? SuperSalon with Irene Solaiman Exploring Ethics and Values in AI


In this SuperSalon, AI & technology safety expert Irene Solaiman (ex-OpenAI, currently at Hugging Face) will spark discussion around AI & ethics, values and natural language processing, and fairness and algorithms. The SuperSalon is hosted by ii member and digital wellbeing researcher Nastasia Griffoen (GEMH Lab | University of Twente) together with AI artist and…
