Host Office Hours: Facilitating the Conversation (hangout in the ii Café)


Join Interintellect producer Maria Górska-Piszek for another weekly hangout in the ii Café. This time we'll talk about what you can expect during the salon itself - or any other questions you have on your mind. What can I expect during my salon? What do I need to know or prepare in order to avoid awkward…

Leading Change in an Exponential World


Join Jacob Huber, founder of Revolutionary Character, to discuss the methods and science behind starting at an individual level to address change. We are profoundly lucky to live in a world filled with inspiring ideas, scientific progress, and enormous amounts of free information on the internet. If ideas alone were enough, though, wouldn’t we already…


Interintellect Lunch in Bangalore – With Anna Gát

Koramangala, Bengaluru

Dear all, So excited to be in Bangalore! Come join us for coffee, tea, and snacks, and a relaxed conversation on the future of culture and online communities in India. The exact location of the gathering will be shared via email with those who signed up, as well as in the India channel in the Interintellect…


Raising Competent, Independent, and Self-Driven Kids


Mother and Interintellect producer Maria Górska-Piszek wants her daughter to enter adulthood feeling capable, competent, and excited for the future. She knows this will require experimentation in the real world, learning things by trial-and-error, and making a bunch of mistakes. Join her for an exploration of whether independence and agency can be taught, how can…


London IRL: Drunk — How We Sipped, Danced, and Stumbled Our Way to Civilization, with author Edward Slingerland

In this exciting and exclusive live discussion, please join professor of philosophy and writer Edward Slingerland and Interintellect host Bryan Kam to discuss Edward's book Drunk, a deep dive into the alcohol-soaked origins of civilization and the evolutionary roots of humanity's appetite for intoxication. The event, which is free for those who register, will take…
