Future of Note-Taking Series: Anne-Laure Le Cunff


Join Dan Shipper, Visakan Veerasamy and Anne-Laure Le Cunff for an Interintellect salon about the future of note-taking! "The real flying car / hoverboard / jetpack of the 2020s will be a tool that helps you navigate information overload, not physical space." – @visakanv Set a few weeks after our first Future of Note-Taking event, we…




How do festivals shape generations? During this ii salon, Rachel Haywire will go over the past, present, and future of festivals while discussing their unique role in influencing the growth…


Introduction to Ableton Live


In this episode of his music production workshop series, musician and sound engineer Zsolt Török will help you get acquainted with the features and capabilities of his digital audio workstation (DAW) software of choice: Ableton Live 11. Getting started with a new creative endeavor can easily become overwhelming, especially when it’s something as complex and…


Maps Lie To You


Join debut host Tom Fish (cartographer and author of FishEye) on a journey into how maps are not as reliable as you think they are. We use maps every day to…
