Tell Me a Story: Revision is Everything (Session 4 of 6)


In this six-month Interintellect Salon series, writer and editor Julie Mosow shares everything she knows about writing, becoming the writer you’ve always hoped to be…and, most importantly, about finishing the work you start. A first draft is just the beginning, but so is a second draft, and probably even a third. How many times do we need…


Building a Music Studio at Home — Getting Started with Music Production


In this free workshop salon, which kicks off a year-long introductory series at Interintellect, musician and sound engineer Zsolt Török invites you into the cozy and creative world of bedroom studios, and helps you take the first steps towards writing and recording your own music at home. Listening to Billie Eilish's Grammy-winning album When We…


A Field Guide to Internet Emotion > 7.0 Robot Emotion


Tech emotionographer Pamela Pavliscak hosts an 8-month Interintellect Salon series while writing her new book #Feels: How Technology is Changing Our Emotional Life for the Better.  Have you ever wondered why we feel compelled to note and name every new variation of sadness online? Or what you call that emotional hangover you can get after scrolling social…


Chapter 5: The Reality of Abstractions – The Beginning of Infinity Reading Group (Members Only)


Join members of the “Gödel, Escher, Bach” book club in reading through David Deutsch’s “The Beginning of Infinity.” Share the pleasure of wrestling with a challenging, thought-provoking book with the help of friendly peers’ additional eyes, hearts, minds, and experiences. Maybe you heard about it on Naval's podcast, or perhaps you follow the father of…


Hello New Hosts! (“Micro-Salon” Practice + Encouragement)


Interintellect host and mentor Visakan Veerasamy leads an experimental mini-salon made up of your micro-salon ideas. Friends, new and old, welcome to Interintellect! We’ve now hosted a couple of events where we discuss, broadly speaking, what makes a good ii salon. Let’s try something slightly different: bring us your salon ideas, and let’s try them out in…


Future of Note-Taking Series: Tiago Forte

Virtual Salon Virtual Salon

Join Dan Shipper, Visakan Veerasamy and Tiago Forte for an Interintellect salon about the future of note-taking! "The real flying car / hoverboard / jetpack of the 2020s will be a tool that helps you navigate information overload, not physical space." – @visakanv A recurring theme of today is that were are being flooded with…


What Information Wants: Introduction


Rhys Lindmark is writing a book about how information flows and how it’s changing on the internet. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. This is the kickoff salon for Rhys Lindmark's series on What Information Wants. Join…


Reading Beowulf: Beowulf and Grendel + How to Read an Old English Epic


Join host Colin Gorrie as we read the great Old English epic poem Beowulf together, as part of the Reading Beowulf series. For our first meeting, we'll discuss the first major section of _Beowulf_: Beowulf's battle with Grendel. We'll also introduce ourselves to the Old English epic. What was the language like? How do we read it?…


Intro to Words and Sounds: Parallels in Writing Music and Literature


How do literature and music interrelate, and how can they enliven each other? Join us for the Words and Sounds series led by Ulkar Aghayeva, Daniel Hass, Lily Rock, Jameel Martin, and Ryan Tuozzolo we will discuss intersections between the two and how they can inspire each other. This first salon will emphasize the convergence…


Psychotechnologies – Community Fireside Chat


Interintellect host and mentor Visakan Veerasamy hosts a fireside chat about psychotechnologies. Psycho-what? We’re talking about anything that tinkers with your psyche – meditation, journalling, fasting, sleep deprivation, psychedelics, travel, tea ceremonies, reading, you name it. What’s your “stack”? What works for you? What do you enjoy? Let’s talk about it! *** 🗓 ii Calendar 📋 Code of…
