Positively Uncertain – Embracing the Unknown to Thrive

Join Judit Petho, author of the upcoming leadership book Positively Uncertain, to explore how embracing uncertainty can help you succeed. Life is scary and uncertain at the moment, perhaps more than most of us have ever experienced. Can we fully embrace the ambiguity and thrive on not having a clear set path in front of…


Host Office Hours: Planning Your Salon (in the ii Café)

ii Café Voice Channel

For all hosts new and old (and prospective!): Have you always wanted to start and need a pair of eyes on your salon ideas? Do you have a salon coming up and want to give it your best? Do you want a second opinion on possible event types? Join Interintellect editor Tim to discuss the…

Inflation: Science vs Ideology and the Crisis of Economics


Blair Fix is a political economist from Toronto, Canada. He spends his time thinking about the future of humanity and how we can create economics that's relevant to the real world. He is a researcher who publishes peer reviewed journal articles and also writes for a popular audience on his blog, Economics from the Top…


Say It in Song: Writing Beats and Melodies


In this episode of his music production workshop series, musician and sound engineer Zsolt Török invites you to learn how to apply fundamental music theory concepts and compositional techniques in your own music. Talking about music theory might conjure up the image of European classical composers wearing powdered wigs, which is understandable given the disproportionate…


Host Office Hours: Planning Your Salon (in the ii Café)

ii Café Voice Channel

For all hosts new and old (and prospective!): Have you always wanted to start and need a pair of eyes on your salon ideas? Do you have a salon coming up and want to give it your best? Do you want a second opinion on possible event types? Join Interintellect editor Tim to discuss the…

Host Office Hours: Your Upcoming Salon (in the ii Café)

Do you have an upcoming salon? Or questions how the process works? Join Interintellect team member Liza to discuss how your salon is set-up, what's possible, and what you should be doing for the best salon experience. Come discuss such elements as event structure, Zoom set-up, the calendar, attendees, follow-up, promotion, reminder emails, and more.…

The Future of Spirituality: Are Synthetic Psychedelics and Consciousness Hacking the New Meditation?


Synthetic psychedelics? Magnetic brain stimulation? How will technology's ability to measure, augment, or even radically alter our brains shape the future of spirituality? Join Lauren from the Science and Innovation unit at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, based in San Francisco. Her work focuses on mobility, urban agtech, crypto, and precision mental health. She…


What Information Wants, Chapter 3: Spoken Virals in the Agrarian Age


Rhys Lindmark is writing a book about how information flows and how it’s changing on the internet. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. This is the 4th salon for Rhys Lindmark’s series on What Information Wants. Join us…


Understanding the Frankfurt School – With Moira Weigel – SuperSalon


Join writer and cultural critic Moira Weigel as we explore the ideas of Adorno, Horkheimer, and Habermas whose less-discussed concepts seem to nevertheless greatly influence important events in today's technology and politics, and can be keys to understanding our world and its direction. Hosted by Interintellect founder Anna Gát. In recent years, while the scenes of tech-intellectualism were busy reading…


Karl Popper’s Philosophy of Science


Hi, I am Arkadiusz Synowczyk. I am a philosophy student specializing in epistemology (the theory of knowledge) and philosophy of science. You can find me on Twitter.  Karl Popper is regarded by many as one of the greatest philosophers of science of the twentieth century. Many scientists even cited him as a source of influence…


Sci-Fi Odyssey: A Tour Through the Great Works of Speculative Fiction – Isaac Asimov

Come join David White for the beginning of a salon series dedicated to exploring the themes, ideas, and world-building of science fiction. We will begin by looking at several Asimov short stories and establishing a general scaffolding for analyzing worlds very different from our own. Science fiction serves as an important culture touchstone and imaginative…
