Host Office Hours: Planning Your Salon (in the ii Café)

ii Café Voice Channel

For all hosts new and old (and prospective!): Have you always wanted to start and need a pair of eyes on your salon ideas? Do you have a salon coming up and want to give it your best? Do you want a second opinion on possible event types? Join Interintellect editor Tim to discuss the…

History of Love: The Century of Change – From WW1 to 9/11


Interintellect founder Anna Gát continues her series A History of Love with an episode focusing on the Short Twentieth Century, from the sinking of the Titanic all the way to 9/11, the century when everything changed. No area of human life was left unchanged throughout the Short Twentieth Century. The period we started in corsets and…


The Biography Conundrum – Was Boswell smarter than Johnson?

Boswell's Life of Johnson is one of the greatest biographies ever written. It's a vast, vivid, precise account of the character of one of the great intellects and personalities of the eighteenth century. Join Henry Oliver, writer of The Common Reader, to think about what really makes this book great. Is what makes it great the…


Host Office Hours: Your Upcoming Salon (in the ii Café)

Do you have an upcoming salon? Or questions how the process works? Join Interintellect team member Liza to discuss how your salon is set-up, what's possible, and what you should be doing for the best salon experience. Come discuss such elements as event structure, Zoom set-up, the calendar, attendees, follow-up, promotion, reminder emails, and more.…

Life and Work in the Rhythm of the Seasons: June


Louis Bijl de Vroe and Simon Ohler (that’s us) are philosophers and brothers in spirit. We are the founders of Spiritual Mischief, a podcast that combines culture, comedy, and ancient wisdom. In this salon series, we offer you a peek into our studies. Based on the eastern philosophy of The Dao, and the book that Dr. Jaap Voigt wrote on…


How To Have Conversations With Your Body, And Why Most People Don’t


In this salon, mathematician-turned-massage-therapist Elena Polozova and somatic coach James Mayfield will share that it’s totally possible to talk to your body. And also, they’ll guide you through doing it yourself, right here in these three hours. What does it mean for your body to “speak”? It’s quite literal. James consults his knees about how…


Chapter 10: A Dream of Socrates – The Beginning of Infinity Reading Group (Members Only)


Join members of the “Gödel, Escher, Bach” book club in reading through David Deutsch’s “The Beginning of Infinity.” Share the pleasure of wrestling with a challenging, thought-provoking book with the help of friendly peers’ additional eyes, hearts, minds, and experiences. Maybe you heard about it on Naval's podcast, or perhaps you follow the father of…


Host Office Hours: Your Upcoming Salon (in the ii Café)

Do you have an upcoming salon? Or questions how the process works? Join Interintellect team member Liza to discuss how your salon is set-up, what's possible, and what you should be doing for the best salon experience. Come discuss such elements as event structure, Zoom set-up, the calendar, attendees, follow-up, promotion, reminder emails, and more.…

Becoming a Guided Audiobook Host for Your Favorite Books


Join founder Rob Paul to discuss alternatives to current audiobooks and the journey to his product, Audrey. Come learn how Audrey is making audiobooks better and how you can get paid to guide listeners through books you know and love. For anyone interested in audiobooks from either the recording or listening end, Rob Paul, the founder,…


Evolution of human musicality: music as a transformative technology of the mind


Join Ani Patel, a neuroscientist whose work focuses on music cognition, music-language relations, rhythmic processing, and cross-species studies of music cognition. His book, Music, Language, and the Brain, challenges the widespread belief that music and language are processed independently. Hosts of the Words and Sounds series will lead a discussion and Q&A with Dr. Patel,…
