The Power of Creative Flow


Hi, my name is Nikolaus Sabathiel. I am a life coach for self-confidence & honest self-expression. Further, I am a software developer for augmented & virtual reality. In this salon we will explore: Why does Overthinking sabotage our Creativity & Performance? Why do people choke under pressure? What creates Flow Experiences? How can we create…


Tell Me a Story: First Sentences, First Paragraphs, First Chapters (Session 2 of 6)


“An opening line should invite the reader to begin the story. It should say: Listen. Come in here. You want to know about this.” — Stephen King What are your favorite first sentences, the ones that grabbed you and never let go? Why is the beginning of any piece of writing so important? And what…


Metaphoring: Creating Shared Narratives of Emotions by Camp Curiosity (Europe and Asia)


ii’s very own Camp Curiosity hosts Jeeva Vijay, Helena Ng, and Luke Butler invite you to a wholesome gathering to inspect our emotional experiences through collective metaphor building. This event is a rerun of last month’s Metaphoring salon, and is now adapted for European and Asian timezones. Whether it’s as stiff as a dead leaf,…


A Field Guide to Internet Emotion > 5.0 Empathy Online

Tech emotionographer Pamela Pavliscak hosts an 8-month Interintellect Salon series while writing her new book #Feels: How Technology is Changing Our Emotional Life for the Better.  Have you ever wondered why we feel compelled to note and name every new variation of sadness online? Or what you call that emotional hangover you can get after scrolling social…


Introduction, Chapter 1: The Reach of Explanations – The Beginning of Infinity Reading Group (Members Only)


Join members of the completed "Gödel, Escher, Bach" reading group in reading through David Deutsch's "The Beginning of Infinity." Share the pleasure of reading a challenging, thought-provoking book boosted by…
