A Simple Path to Clarity: Epictetus’s Handbook


Join Topi Heikkerö for reflections on the central insights of Stoicism. Epictetus’s Handbook (Enchridion) takes us to the pivot of a good life. Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor, learned his Stoicism from Epictetus, a former slave. Paradoxical perhaps, but wisdom doesn’t depend on one’s station in life. We shall discuss the Handbook, a short collection…


The Beginning of Infinity: Objective Beauty


Join Phil Filippak for the next episode of a series about critical rationalism and major ideas from David Deutsch’s book The Beginning of Infinity. We’ll discuss beauty and its objectivity! Is it possible that all beauty is subject to yet unknown but stringent laws? May all paintings and sculptures and songs be described by some complicated but precise…


New Year, New Host – Learn the Art of Salon-Hosting with Anna Gát


Join Interintellect founder Anna Gát for this FREE AND PUBLIC session where we'll discuss all you need to know about hosting online: tone, topic selection, listing, promotion, and audience management.  Believe me, no Interintellect host is born with the magical knowledge of how to run a successful, engaging, friendly online salon (or offline social)—but these skills are easy…


Introducing Poems for Our Time [Free Episode]


Interested in cultivating your inner poet? Join us for the opening session of Poems for Our Time where we'll slow down, explore contemporary poetry, and connect with our creativity. Hosted by writer, workshop facilitator, and meditation teacher, Grace Bialecki. Poetry is a place of solace, a place of mystery, a place where we can delve deeper…


Western Canon Book Club: Iliad


Join host Joseline Yu to explore the nature of war and fate in the heroic epic Iliad, as part of the Western Canon Book Club series. Homer's Iliad pulses with conflict — the lifeblood of storytelling. The heroic epic poem brings to life the legendary war between the Trojans and the Greeks, along with the…
