Friendships, Scenes, and Growth
OnlineJoin Yatharth and Brooke Bowman in a conversation about friendships, scenes, and growth. So many scenes die before they are born, as dreams. What does it look like to take those…
Join Yatharth and Brooke Bowman in a conversation about friendships, scenes, and growth. So many scenes die before they are born, as dreams. What does it look like to take those…
Visual artist turned medical educator Alexa Miller (on twitter here) will host this salon centering experiences with visual art as a catalyst for expansion, innovation, connection, bias awareness, and shameless enjoyment. Experience a session of close looking at art using the Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) methodology, a facilitation method originally created for K-12 learners and increasingly…
In this members-only host training, Daniel Golliher will take you through the basics of audio production, and help you think through launching your own podcast. Many people have, at one point or another, thought about starting a podcast. And if not a podcast, a YouTube show. Whether you’re an academic, an entertainer, or just someone…
Recent studies have shown that plants are capable of learning, forming memories, recognizing their own kin, talking to one another as well as other organisms, and tell time among other…
Join linguist Colin Gorrie in the first in a series of salons investigating language for an exploration of the thorny relationship between language and thought. Does language affect, constrain, or merely represent thought? How would we even go about finding out? Sometimes known as the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, the idea that we might be limited in…
We will gather for an autumn sight-appreciation walk starting at Rockefeller Center. Route will include Bryant Park, Madison Square Park, Union Square Park, and conclude at Washington Square Park. Reasonable…
In this salon, Jennifer A. Frey, associate professor of philosophy at the University of South Carolina, will discuss these questions in light of her recent essay on this topic in The Point magazine. What is a University education for? What is "higher" about "higher education"? Is there any meaningful difference between a University education and vocational training? …
Host Linus Lu concludes his series on classical music by zooming out talking about what classical music means, and what our own personal approaches to classical music are, can be,…
In this salon, Ben Fleming discusses the ways we are trying to make the human body obsolete. Is it ethical? Is it even possible? And why do we want to escape our physical bodies? As a personal trainer I have spent a lot of time invested in the human body. I regularly train my body…
Host Training Journey In this host training series, ii Camp Curiosity host Helena Ng will walk with you on the journey of hosting your own ii salons through the lens of the Hero's Journey. The discussion will be co-hosted by Bryan Kam who has a decade worth of experience in hosting conversations. Helena is the…
Progress writer Jason Crawford is writing a book about the modern world and how it was invented. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. Behind the world of our daily lives, there is a hidden world, one that keeps our world…
In this casual community gathering in NYC, we will come together at Old Tbilisi Garden for a dinner of discussion about books, wine, friendship, and philosophy. You will meet and make new friends, and also reunite with fellow Interintellects in the city. Menu: see here Address: 174 Bleecker Street Not a member yet: join us…