Why Do We Scroll?


Join Yatharth and Dalton for a mindful exploration of what it’s like to doom scroll, procrastinate, or otherwise feel beheld to our devices. It’s that time of year we make resolutions. We spend… Continue reading Why Do We Scroll?


Peopling – Community Fireside Chat with Visa


Interintellect host and mentor Visakan Veerasamy hosts a fireside chat about relationships. It's halfway through January already?! Wew! Let's hang out as usual, and maybe this week let's talk about family and friends and what we've learned about ourselves from them. *** 🗓 ii Calendar 📋 Code of Conduct –   (Image: The Family Stone, 2005 film)  …


Cardano | An Introduction to a History of Mathematics


Join debut host Jared Davis and Sagar Devkate as we introduce a new series discussing the history of mathematics. Girolamo Cardano died in 1576, two centuries before the publication of Adam Smith's Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations and the signing of Declaration of Independence of the American Colonies. Working in Padua, Italy as a…


From the Great Enrichment to Bettering Humanomics: An Evening with Deirdre McCloskey


Deirdre McCloskey - distinguished economist, historian and public intellectual - joins Alaka Halder, our community and friends for a very special SuperSalon on the history of human progress and the need for “humanomics.” We will discuss McCloskey’s work, the seven bourgeois virtues that allow societies to flourish, learn from Adam Smith and David Hume, and…
