The Power of Creative Flow

Hi, my name is Nikolaus Sabathiel. I am a life coach for self-confidence & honest self-expression. Further, I am a software developer for augmented & virtual reality. In this salon we will explore: Why does Overthinking sabotage our Creativity & Performance? Why do people choke under pressure? What creates Flow Experiences? How can we create…


Fresh starts – Community Fireside Chat with Visa

Interintellect host and mentor Visakan Veerasamy hosts a fireside chat about fresh starts. It’s 2022! A time for new beginnings! Let's discuss plans, hopes, goals, ideas. (This is the fifth of a monthly-ish hangout series for the Interintellect community.) Recommended reading:  None! Just come and share your own stories and experiences! – Cover photo via @crystalweed…


Introduction, Chapter 1: The Reach of Explanations – The Beginning of Infinity Reading Group (Members Only)

Join members of the completed "Gödel, Escher, Bach" reading group in reading through David Deutsch's "The Beginning of Infinity." Share the pleasure of reading a challenging, thought-provoking book boosted by your friendly peers' additional eyes, hearts, minds, and life experiences. What is “The Beginning of Infinity” about? What kinds of explanations have universal reach? What…


Economics for the People – Hosting Econs Salons, 101


You do good work. You have great ideas. You understand trade offs, constraints, and incentives and policy. Why not share your ideas directly with the general public who they are about and for? If you're an economist - practicing, lecturing, researching - of any level, a graduate student, post-doc, or professor - come find out…


Quiz Night with Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales! (Members Only) – Session 1


Join Jimmy Wales for a fun quiz on his platform inspired by his family quiz nights during lockdown. Quiz Night Beyond is a way to do fun pub quizzes over video online with friends and family. Jimmy designed during lockdown as a part of his exploration in how to build healthier social spaces online - an extension of…
