Why TikTok is the Height of Culture


In this salon Interintellects Kushaan Shah and Amir H. Hajizamani host a discussion about the cultural merits of social media platform Tik Tok  TikTok has taken the world by storm. With more than 600 million users, TikTok has ignited a creative revolution during the pandemic and introduced new trends in fashion, commerce, health and so much more. What was once…


Introducing Interintellect: A Community of Conversation Arrives in DC

1250 U Street 1250 U Street, Washington, DC

Interintellects Aaron Lewis and Josh Morin host an IRL meet-up in Washington DC  Bring a blanket and a snack and gather with your fellow D.C. interintellects in a new alley park behind 1931 13th Street NW. Let's enjoy some quality outdoors time together after a long year of Zoom windows. The park was an abandoned…


Making Lemonade: Kurt Vonnegut’s Recipe for Living Well


“How would Kurt Vonnegut describe what I’m going through?” is one question anyone could ask in times of trouble and peril, knowing the result would be at once honest, compassionate, hilarious, and optimistic. This salon, hosted by Eyal Shay, will be a place for participants to become familiar with a real-life hero and reflect on…


The Story of Philosophy Series – How can the ideas of Spinoza lead us into a tolerant and progressive future?


Join London ii Hosts Flick Hardingham and Irene JK to discuss the life and philosophy of Baruch de Spinoza, exploring how his ideas might be relevant (or not) in today's society and how they might lead us into a tolerant and progressive future.  Baruch de Spinoza, a Dutch philosopher with Portuguese Jewish origins, was born in Amsterdam in…


Ted Chiang Part 6: Vastly Superior Brains


Étienne Fortier-Dubois leads a series of thematic discussions on the work of science fiction author Ted Chiang. In Part 6 — which you can join even if you haven't attended the previous parts — we discuss intelligence enhancement and superintelligence. Ted Chiang ranks among the best living authors of science fiction. Though he cannot be…


Life According to Hollywood – Telling Stories that Captivate Others


In this new salon series, showrunner Balazs Juszt and his Hollywood friends dive into the truths and lies of storytelling: What can we take away from the psychological insights of screenwriting? What are the ways in which showbusiness lies to you? First episode guest: Peter Webber *** You go to your usual grocery store, or…


No More Happy Atheists?: The Future of Unbelief


In this salon, literary critic and self-proclaimed atheist Morten Høi Jensen leads a discussion about the future of atheism. In his essay “Anxiety About God in an Ostensibly Godless Age,” the Polish philosopher Leszek Kolakowski argued that the weakening of traditional religious belief brought down the certainty of atheism with it. “Ever since Nietzsche proclaimed…


Perception, Selfhood, and Consciousness with Anil Seth


“Imagine being a brain. You’re locked inside a bony skull, trying to figure what’s out there in the world."   In this much-awaited salon, Anil Seth, professor of cognitive and computational neuroscience at the University of Sussex, co-director of the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science, and author of the upcoming book Being You – A…


Our First Post-Pandemic Host Training for OFFLINE Salons!


And so it has happened: in many places around the world, we are once again hosting offline events! Of course, after one and a half years of daily Interintellect salons on Zoom, and the many hours of host training and related discussions, you're wondering: How is hosting an offline discussion different from what we do…


Hey Big Spender! – A Dead Economists Society Salon


The Dead Economists Society Salon series continues as Bronwyn Williams and Peter Isztin investigate big spending, big government economics and the rockstar economists who love them. "In the long run, we're all dead." ~ Keynes "Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die." ~ Dave Matthews In this Dead Economists Society Salon series, we jump right into one of…
