Introduction to Non-Dual Insight: The Poem ‘Faith in Mind’


Join Topi Heikkerö to explore one of the first Ch’an (Zen) Buddhist poems: “Faith in Mind” by Master Sengcan, the Third Chinese Ch’an patriarch. This brief poem puts forth the central teaching of non-duality in clear and yet profound way. “The Supreme Way is not difficult If only you don’t pick and choose.” In this…


The Post-Achievement Professional: Life Beyond the Goal Posts


I'm Khe Hy. I chased money on Wall Street and fame on the Internet only to discover that neither could deliver true freedom. As a fellow Post-Achievement professional, my love language is "let me show you everything I've accomplished." Yet when you strip it all away, all you're left with a vexing question: Who am…


Thinking about Not-knowing #13: Tools for thought and action.


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. Good tools make work easier. What tools do we need to relate well to different types of not-knowing? Episode 13 of this series answers this questions. Some of the tools we’ll discuss include: Superordination during goal-setting. Clearly identifying non-goals. Using forced choices to reveal tradeoffs.…


Unlocking the World’s Potential: How Grants Are Taking Over As a Key Funding Model

Join Interintellect founder Anna Gát for a panel on grant making and grant winning with experts Atman Pandya (O'Shaughnessy Fellowships), Shruti Rajagopalan (Emergent Ventures India), Arnaud Schenk (Polaris), and Benjamin Yeoh (Then Do Better) 🚀. Are you interested in grant funding and how grants are won? Would you like to explore the current landscape and…