Not-knowing as a path to happiness


Vaughn Tan wants to help you learn how to think and act better in situations of not-knowing.    We’re culturally and socially conditioned to avoid not-knowing or pretend it doesn’t exist. This conditioning is a form of learned helplessness and it's an impediment to being happy. Happiness results from being curious about the world around you, being free…


Discover Your Creative Potential By Crafting “Tomorrow’s School”


Creativity is a skill, and this workshop the opportunity to start developing its potential!  Join Zelda, the creator behind “Tomorrow’s School,” to learn new artistic tools while shaping the future of school. Did your experience in school help develop your creative potential? Unfortunately, for many of us, the answer is no. In fact, many schools…


Beauty, Cosmic Consciousness and the Meaning of Existence


This Salon is for aesthetes, dreamers, and visionaries; for those who like to ask big questions and who are curious to dive deeper.  We will talk about aesthetics (specifically what beauty is, and pathways of knowing it), cosmology (including chaos theory), quantum mechanics, and consciousness - the nature of mind itself. These inter-related topics will…


Is “Clean Meat” the Future of Food? A Conversation With Paul Shapiro


Interintellect host and sustainability enthusiast Lukas Rosenstock will interview Paul Shapiro, author of the book "Clean Meat" and CEO of "The Better Meat Co.", about the future of food and the technologies that can replace factory farming with more ethical and environmentally-friendly alternatives. Most people consume meat and dairy daily, the majority of which comes…


Improving the Funding and Practice of Good Science – Fireside Chat with Stuart Buck


Join Stuart Buck, philanthropist and founder of the Good Science Project, to explore issues with funding agencies and actionable strategies for improving the funding and practice of science. A members-only fireside chat, moderated by Nicky Buttigieg. "Funding agencies should engage in bold experimentation to reduce bureaucracy, fund new ideas, and speed up innovation. Moreover, they…


Thinking about Not-knowing #9: The Fog of Time


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. In episodes 6-8, we discussed how not-knowing arises in relation to actions, outcomes, causation, and value. Episode 9 is about how futurity affects not-knowing. Our present actions affect future outcomes, but the actions we can take and the outcomes we pursue also change over…


Unlocking the World’s Potential: How Grants Are Taking Over As a Key Funding Model

Join Interintellect founder Anna Gát for a panel on grant making and grant winning with experts Atman Pandya (O'Shaughnessy Fellowships), Shruti Rajagopalan (Emergent Ventures India), Arnaud Schenk (Polaris), and Benjamin Yeoh (Then Do Better) 🚀. Are you interested in grant funding and how grants are won? Would you like to explore the current landscape and…