Host Office Hours: What’s Stopping You from Hosting? (hangout in the ii Café)


Interintellect producer Maria Górska-Piszek is hosting another weekly hangout in the ii Café. Join her to talk about all the possible things that might be blocking you from hosting, and let's see how we can make it work together. Have you thought about hosting salons with Interintellect, but you wouldn't even know where to start?…

Host Office Hours: Your Dream Salon Idea (hangout in the ii Café)


Join Interintellect producer Maria Górska-Piszek for another weekly hangout in the ii Café. This is the time to let your imagination go wild and think about the craziest salon ideas that might be on your mind. If you knew you couldn't fail, what salon would you like to host? If you could instantly reach any person…

The Art of Hosting: Host Training with Colin Gorrie


The Art of Hosting is a new host training series, where Interintellect producer Maria Górska-Piszek interviews experienced ii hosts in search for their secrets, hard-won lessons, tips, and best practices. In this episode, we’ll talk to Colin Gorrie – linguist, conlanger (maker of constructed languages), and experienced Interintellect host. "Knowledgable and infectiously enthusiastic" – that's how…


Host Chat: Let’s List a Salon Together! (hangout in the ii Café)


Join Interintellect producer Maria Górska-Piszek for another weekly hangout in the ii Café. This time we'll see how we can make listing the salon as simple as possible - and sort out all the obstacles you might find on the way. Have you thought about hosting a salon but don't know what would be the best…

Host Chat: Let’s List a Salon Together! (hangout in the ii Café)


Join Interintellect producer Maria Górska-Piszek for another weekly hangout in the ii Café. This time we’ll see how we can make listing the salon as simple as possible – and sort out all the obstacles you might find on the way. Have you thought about hosting a salon but don’t know what would be the best…

Hosting 101: How To Write a Good Listing They’ll Want to Attend


In this training, we’ll go back to the basics and cover best practices around salon structures and how to write good copy. What is a good way to market your salon? We’ll focus on what a good listing explains, and how to structure your salon accordingly. If you’ve ever wondered: How do I make any…
