The Future of Work: Ready for ‘Anywhere Jobs’?


JUST STARTING A NEW CAREER? ENJOY THIS SPECIAL TICKET DISCOUNT - ALL PROCEEDS TO BE DONATED TO RemoteUkraine, helping refugees find employment online. This SuperSalon is part of a ten-part series called The Future Of, launched in partnership with the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. What does "WFH" mean for mothers? How can a…


In Our Own Image? SuperSalon with Irene Solaiman Exploring Ethics and Values in AI


In this SuperSalon, AI & technology safety expert Irene Solaiman (ex-OpenAI, currently at Hugging Face) will spark discussion around AI & ethics, values and natural language processing, and fairness and algorithms. The SuperSalon is hosted by ii member and digital wellbeing researcher Nastasia Griffoen (GEMH Lab | University of Twente) together with AI artist and…


The Future of Spirituality: Are Synthetic Psychedelics and Consciousness Hacking the New Meditation?


Synthetic psychedelics? Magnetic brain stimulation? How will technology's ability to measure, augment, or even radically alter our brains shape the future of spirituality? Join Lauren from the Science and Innovation unit at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, based in San Francisco. Her work focuses on mobility, urban agtech, crypto, and precision mental health. She…


From Bubble to Mainstream: What Progress Means for Different People and Communities


Progress thinkers Jason Crawford and Benedict Macon-Cooney lead a wide-ranging discussion on the many ways individuals and communities can build a better future. Come and bring your questions, stories and projects! A progress studies movement is calling upon us to understand the history of technological and scientific breakthroughs and how to keep the many resulting improvements sustainable.…


Free to Browse: Organic Contexts for Tech and Media Literacy


KORNIENKO コニンコー (that's me, Sophia Kornienko), journalist, animation artist and the host of the UnschoolingFuture Podcast, invites you to become part of her new project about kids' and teens' digital freedoms. I am writing/ illustrating a book, Free to Browse: Organic Contexts for Tech and Media Literacy (working title). Drawing from my family's experience as…
