Realistic Love: An Interintellect Valentine’s Day Special of Philosophy and Emotion in New York City

Join our favourite couples therapist Esther Perel in New York City for this very special night of philosophical conversation with Merve Emre, Agnes Callard, and Skye Cleary, about realistic love: how do we love realistically in life, philosophy, and literature?     Is realistic love possible? Is it ethical to advocate for it? Can it…

Book Therapy Meets Valentine’s Day Single Mingle! – With Anna Gát


Come and nerd out about your favourite books and find love! This single mingle is online and global, hosted by Interintellect founder Anna Gát. 💜 Few things are as attractive about somebody as their favorite book! At this Valentine's Day Book Therapy special, a small and cheerful group of single Interintellect members will come together and…

Thinking About Marriage: A SuperSalon with Devorah Baum, Skye Cleary, and Anna Gát

Devorah Baum, author of 'On Marriage', joins philosopher Skye Cleary and Interintellect founder Anna Gát for a SuperSalon on the many dimensions of marriage. Join us and explore! Marriage, an institution as old as civilization, continues to shape and be shaped by societal and personal dynamics. In this SuperSalon, we will explore the philosophical, creative,…


Single Mingle September Edition


Enjoy deep 1:1 conversations with fellow Interintellect singles ❤️‍🔥 Brought to you by Umer and Charmaine. Join us for an exciting summer edition of Interintellect’s Single Mingle! What's the buzz? In this exclusive salon, you'll be paired with someone new for 15 minutes of deep conversation in each round. After a short break, you’ll switch…