How to Love Your Enemies: A Conversation with Andrew Hanauer


We know our country is dangerously polarized. But what to do about it? Join Zachary Davis, the Executive Director of Faith Matters and the Editor of Wayfare Magazine, and Andrew Hanauer, the President and CEO of the One America Movement, to discuss! We know our country is dangerously polarized. But what to do about it?…


America’s Global Future: A Conversation With Alexander Ward


POLITICO National Security Reporter and Pulitzer Prize finalist Alexander Ward joins veteran writer and technologist Sean Patrick Hughes for a conversation on America's global future based on rigorous reporting and sources from within Biden's White House as they worked to reposition America's international reputation. In the wake of the Trump administration's turn away from America's…


Choose Your Own Reality with Renee diResta and Jonathan Askonas


In this SuperSalon, Renée diResta and Jonathan Askonas—both experts in (mis)information in our digital age—will join researcher Nastasia Griffioen to discuss questions like as "What does 'reality' mean nowadays?" and "Can everyone choose their own?" Following years of discussion of disinformation, advances in AI technology can make splits in perceived reality wider—with it growing faster and…


The Guarantee – Author Talk with Natalie Foster | New Labor Book Series #17


Join Siena Chiang and movement leader Natalie Foster to discuss her new book, The Guarantee, which asks us to imagine an America where housing, health care, a college education, dignified work, family care, an inheritance, and an income floor are not only attainable by all but guaranteed, by our government, for everyone. As it stands,…


The Soulcraft of Political Depolarization: Learning from the greats of philosophy and literature

Washington DC

NEW: The Philosophy of Depolarization series! Join Braver Angels' Director of Debates Jessie Mannisto, BA's Publius Fellow for Public Discourse Luke Nathan Phillips, and Interintellect founder Anna Gát in this inaugural event in the partnership between Interintellect and Braver Angels to explore how political depolarization could succeed and what we can learn from philosophy, literature,…

The Philosophy of Political Beliefs – With Oliver Traldi

Anyone who’s had an argument about politics with a friend may walk away wondering how this friend could possibly hold the beliefs they do. A few self-reflective people might even wonder about their own political beliefs after such an argument. Join Oliver Traldi in conversation with Bronwyn Williams for a discussion of Oliver's new book,…


Unite and Win | Author Talk with the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee – New Labor Book Series #18


Join by three guests who organize with the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee (EWOC), about their recently released guide to worker organizing: Unite and Win: the Workplace Organizer's Handbook—Daphna Thier, organizer and educator at EWOC, Terry Davis, a retired labor organizer formerly at the United Electrical Radio Machine Workers of America (UE), and Atulya Dora-Laskey, a…
