Pieces of the Action by Vannevar Bush


Join Alaka Halder and Wes Chow for a special Interintellect book club discussion to celebrate the Stripe Press reprint of Pieces of the Action by Vannevar Bush. Instrumental to the development of radar, the proximity fuze, modern computer analysis, the mass production of penicillin, and sparking the Manhattan Project—Vannevar Bush (1890 - 1974) truly had…


What Information Wants, Chapter 5: Printed Knowledge in the Industrial Age


Rhys Lindmark is writing a book about how information flows and how it’s changing on the internet. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. This is the 6th salon for Rhys Lindmark’s series on What Information Wants. Join…


From Bubble to Mainstream: What Progress Means for Different People and Communities


Progress thinkers Jason Crawford and Benedict Macon-Cooney lead a wide-ranging discussion on the many ways individuals and communities can build a better future. Come and bring your questions, stories and projects! A progress studies movement is calling upon us to understand the history of technological and scientific breakthroughs and how to keep the many resulting improvements sustainable.…


What Information Wants, Chapter 7: Our Shifting Minds And Values


Rhys Lindmark is writing a book about how information flows and how it’s changing on the internet. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. This is the 8th salon for Rhys Lindmark’s series on What Information Wants. Join us…


What Information Wants, Chapter 8: Internet Virals Run Amok


Rhys Lindmark is writing a book about how information flows and how it’s changing on the internet. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. This is the 9th salon for Rhys Lindmark’s series on What Information Wants. Join us…


What Information Wants, Chapter 9: Narratives and Coordination in the Internet Age


Rhys Lindmark is writing a book about how information flows and how it’s changing on the internet. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. This is the 10th salon for Rhys Lindmark’s series on What Information Wants. Join us…


What Information Wants, Chapter 10: Knowledge On The Internet

Rhys Lindmark is writing a book about how information flows and how it’s changing on the internet. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. This is the 11th salon for Rhys Lindmark’s series on What Information Wants. Join us…


*FREE Public Event*| Philosophical Hope in Science and Religion


Who are we to talk about Teilhard de Chardin’s ambitious infusion of philosophical theology and science? We believe it takes a team of enthusiasts to honestly attend to Teilhard de Chardin. Thus, we are embracing a Philosopher (PhD Researcher) named Christophe Porot, Twitter @PorotChristophe; a Neuropsychologist (PhD, Post Doc Researcher) named Donald Frederick, Twitter @neurofoo;…
