Thinking about Not-knowing #9: The Fog of Time

Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. In episodes 6-8, we discussed how not-knowing arises in relation to actions, outcomes, causation, and value. Episode 9 is about how futurity affects not-knowing. Our present actions affect future outcomes, but the actions we can take and the outcomes we pursue also change over…


The Beginning of Infinity: The Multiverse


In his Interintellect series, Phil Filippak will talk about Critical Rationalism and major ideas from David Deutsch’s book 'The Beginning of Infinity'. Quantum theory has given us an incredibly powerful computational tool but its nature still remains a mystery. Or is it just that many of us think so? David Deutsch argues that the nature of…


Death Over Coffee: Telling Our Life Stories


"Tell me your life story in three sentences." Join founder Maura McInerney-Rowley and journalist Carolyn Gregorie for an enlightening salon featuring insights from our interview with Darnell Lamont Walker, an Emmy-nominated children's TV writer and death doula, as he shares his expertise on the art of storytelling. Part of the Death Over Coffee series. Explore the transformative process…

Creative Pairs in History


Hi, I’m Gina! I’m a therapist, avid learner and educator. I’ve spent time in many settings, ranging from mental hospitals to jails and schools and most recently I’ve been coaching entrepreneurs in AI on self-care and social connection. I’m extremely interested in the origins of electric connections! Using Joshua Wolf Shenk’s book Powers of Two,…
