The Story of Philosophy Series – Are we best served by pessimism?


Join London ii hosts Flick Hardingham and Irene JK as we examine how Schopenhauer’s ideas are relevant (or not) in today’s society and our own lives. Some questions to prompt your curiosity. Picture early Nineteenth century Europe. Waterloo had been fought. The Revolution was dead. Millions had perished. Millions of acres neglected. As Durant so eloquently puts it,…


The Story of Philosophy Series – How Can Societies Survive Without Disintegrating?


Join London ii hosts Flick Hardingham and Irene JK as we reflect on Herbert Spencer's ideas are relevant (or not) in today's society and our own lives. Some questions to prompt your curiosity. In the mid-1800s, as England was ushering in the industrial era, Herbert Spencer gained prominence for his intellectual and scientific prowess. A man with varied interests…


Beauty, Cosmic Consciousness and the Meaning of Existence


This Salon is for aesthetes, dreamers, and visionaries; for those who like to ask big questions and who are curious to dive deeper.  We will talk about aesthetics (specifically what beauty is, and pathways of knowing it), cosmology (including chaos theory), quantum mechanics, and consciousness - the nature of mind itself. These inter-related topics will…




Join Dr. Jason Rheins, a scholar of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, for a salon on who Socrates (469-399 BCE) was, and what he can mean for us today. Socrates.…
