What Information Wants, Chapter 8: Internet Virals Run Amok


Rhys Lindmark is writing a book about how information flows and how it’s changing on the internet. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. This is the 9th salon for Rhys Lindmark’s series on What Information Wants. Join us…


The Human Experience

In this SuperSalon, John Sills joins Interintellect host Olena to discuss his new book The Human Experience, including how to create human-centred experiences and companies, how organisations are taking customers for granted, and why Swiss trains are so much better than UK ones. Across all sectors, organizations' fixation with functionality has meant that the 'human'…


Community Fireside Chat with Robert on AI, Social Networks & Collaboration

ii Café Voice Channel

Join us for a fireside chat with Interintellect community member Robert to discuss AI alignment, social networks, communities and collaboration. Hosted by Nicky Buttigieg, Robert will be joining us for a community fireside chat on some of his interests, including AI and the alignment problem, project planning and collaborative efforts, social networks, community and globalization.…


What’s after religion? Is it possible to recreate institutions offering deep belonging?


Membership in traditional civic institutions is on the decline and places of worship are no exception. Religion has been a central institution in human societies for thousands of years, providing a sense of deep belonging through engagement in shared rituals, values, and spaces. However, in recent decades, traditional religious institutions have been declining in many…


On Talent: How to Find Talent


How do you find and attract great talent? No matter your discipline or industry, everyone relies on working with exceptional people to achieve greatness. But how do you do it? Interviewing is notoriously hard to do reliably, and it's very difficult to get in front of right people in the first place. In this second…
