AI Decentralisation and Interactive Generative Fiction – Fireside Chat with Sam Patt

ii Café Voice Channel

Join Sam Patt to discuss the centralization of AI and explore how AI can help friends play together. We will try out HaveWords.AI, an AI sharing platform Sam has built. A members-only fireside chat, moderated by Nicky Buttigieg. Artificial Intelligence holds a lot of promise, but the centralization of AI in the hands of a…


Dead Writers’ Society #1 – Philosophy & Magic


There’s a lot of hype around writing and AI lately. Some folks are excited about productivity gains. Some folks regard the whole idea with horror. But there’s a whole world of experimental writing with AI outside of the mainstream. In this 3-part series we’re going to explore and delve into the collective unconscious. Part séance,…


Liberties X Interintellect Salon: Rachel Connolly


For the third Liberties x Interintellect salon, join Rachel Connolly and Celeste Marcus to discuss Rachel's debut novel Lazy City. Rachel has previously written for The New York Times Magazine, The Guardian, Prospect, The Financial Times, GQ, and many other esteemed publications (peruse her non-fiction writings on her website). She writes with wit and wisdom about…


Bryan Kam on Neither/Nor (second session)


In this exciting discussion, please join Interintellect fellow Bryan Kam to discuss his original philosophical work. No background in the subject is required. We live in two worlds: one of language, logic, concepts, and abstractions — and another, of sensations, experience, and intuition. They're inseparable and enrich one another, but each world has its own…


How to Make a Self: Tara Isabella Burton on Identity, Belonging, and the Sacred


In Self-Made, Tara Isabella Burton delves into "the theories and forces behind our never-ending need to curate ourselves." In this Supersalon we will talk with Tara about how to put current "self-fashioning" into perspective, both comparatively and as a distinctive moment. Are we all Kardashians now? Does a godless, or at least perversely sacred, world…


Hollywood For Intellectuals: Writing Big Ideas For the Big (And Small) Screen


Join Michael Sonnenschein, a screen/TV writer with a background in academia, for an introduction on how to write for movies/tv. Starting as an aspiring writer with an academic background in 2008, I've grown my career in Hollywood, merging my interests in economics, social sciences, and storytelling for films and TV. Now in 2023, I'm writing…


Writing Support Group: Recovering a Sense of Identity


An “Aspiring Writer,” Trisha, has grappled with the whole spectrum of writing challenges, from cold starts to self-doubt and maintaining consistency. One of her most trusted tools in addressing those is “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. Join her 12-week Writing Support Group to unblock your creativity and unlock your full potential as a writer!…


Writing Support Group: Recovering a Sense of Power


An “Aspiring Writer,” Trisha, has grappled with the whole spectrum of writing challenges, from cold starts to self-doubt and maintaining consistency. One of her most trusted tools in addressing those is “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. Join her 12-week Writing Support Group to unblock your creativity and unlock your full potential as a writer!…
