In Praise of The Prophet Series – Part 4: Buying and Selling, Crime and Punishment, Laws


In this salon series, Tanya Raj will lead deep-dive discussions on The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and his philosophy on living a life with purpose and meaning. In this salon, we will delve into the man-made concepts of trading and what purpose do they serve, is crime evil, and does punishment equates to atonement, along…


In Praise of The Prophet Series – Part 5: Freedom, Reason and Passion, Pain


In this salon series, Tanya Raj will lead deep-dive discussions on The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and his philosophy on living a life with purpose and meaning. In this salon, we will delve into what does freedom means to every individual, how does passion plays a part in human consciousness, is reason reasonable, and if…


In Praise of The Prophet Series – Part 6: Self-Knowledge, Teaching, Friendship

In this salon series, Tanya Raj will lead deep-dive discussions on The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and his philosophy on living a life with purpose and meaning. In this salon, we will delve into what is knowledge, is all knowledge good or even required, what does knowing the self, mean, can knowledge be taught or…


Love, Death, and the Quest for Utopia – Supersalon with Akash Kapur, feat. Tanya Raj, Visakan Veerasamy

In this SuperSalon, writer Akash Kapur, author of Better to Have Gone: Love, Death, and the Quest for Utopia in Auroville, will join writers and Interintellect hosts Tanya Raj and Visakan Veerasamy to explore the pull of a perfect utopia: the pleasures and the losses, and the finding of eventual transcendence and acceptance, even in…


In Praise of The Prophet Series – Part 7: Talking, Time, Good and Evil


In this salon series, Tanya Raj will lead deep-dive discussions on The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and his philosophy on living a life with purpose and meaning. In this salon, we will delve into speech, the need for humans to talk and express, the concept of time as a fluid eternity, or if time even…


In Praise of The Prophet Series – Part 8: Prayer, Pleasure, Beauty


In this salon series, Tanya Raj will lead deep-dive discussions on The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and his philosophy on living a life with purpose and meaning. In this salon, we will delve into the power of prayers and surrender, a way to reach our own consciousness, what defines pleasure and beauty, are they interlinked…


In Praise of The Prophet Series – Part 9: Religion, Death, Farewell


In this salon series, Tanya Raj will lead deep-dive discussions on The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and his philosophy on living a life with purpose and meaning. In this salon, we will conclude the series by delving into facets of religion and what does it mean to be religious, what is death if not the…


What Dreams May Come


In this salon, Tanya Raj will lead a deep dive discussion on dreams and their various textures. Come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned ~Peter Pan Dreams are an integral part of our lives, whether we pay attention to them or not. As children we have dreamt of indescribable infinities;…
