Discover Your Creative Potential By Crafting “Tomorrow’s School”


Creativity is a skill, and this workshop the opportunity to start developing its potential!  Join Zelda, the creator behind “Tomorrow’s School,” to learn new artistic tools while shaping the future of school. Did your experience in school help develop your creative potential? Unfortunately, for many of us, the answer is no. In fact, many schools…


Townhall with Interintellect Fellow ZELDA POEM


Zelda wants to make singular educational paths mainstream. She will use the Public Minds grant to develop content in various mediums and speak on the richness and variety of creating your own learning journey. Her online and IRL salon conversations will be a valuable means of providing inspiration for fellow Interintellects who question the way…


Young Hackers/ Founders Circle


Our ancestors gathered around a fire to share their wisdom & struggles for millennials. Similarly, Young Hacker/ Founder Circle is a monthly event in which we connect from all sides of the planet to share our challenges, doubts and wins. The problems might not go away, but having a community to face them is a…


Ask Me Anything with Interintellect Fellow Zelda Poem


Join this Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session to ask Zelda Poem any questions you have on your mind! Her current focus is helping young hackers, dropouts and founders become socially and emotionally abled. Interintellect Fellow and host Zelda Poem is seeking to make singular educational paths mainstream, and has been speaking to people on the richness and…
