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Generation X: Cinema

March 10, 2022 at 6:00 pm PST

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In this new series, writer Sean Patrick Hughes explores the culture, events and history of Generation X.

At 7:30 PM eastern time on November 8, 1972, HBO launched the first premium pay cable station in America. By the end of the decade, it was in 10 million American households. By 1982 10% of American households had VCRs. For Generation X, the movies had come home. For years we watched the gritty, classic films of the seventies and early 80s on loop . Coppola, Spielberg, Kubrick; the comedies of Caddy Shack, Vacation and Mel Brooks. We were the first generation that watched films this way. To see something 30 times no longer took 30 trips to the theater. A generation of movie fanatics was born. And a generation of movie fanatic filmmakers followed.

Tarantino, Shaymalan, and Kevin Smith were the first. The quirk and oddness of Wes and PT Anderson. The extended action music videos of Michael Bay. And the latter expansive digital artistry of Christopher Nolan and Denis Villaneuve. And others of course.

In this salon, we’ll discuss the cinema of Generation X. From the films that formed us to the filmmakers we became.


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March 10, 2022
6:00 pm PST
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