
Saturday, February 5, 2022 @ 02:00 PM UTC

Blockchain and Crypto: Imagination; Vision; Usability

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In this Interintellect Salon, host Dominic Duffin will lead a discussion of both the vision of where we imagine blockchain technology could take us and the practical usability of blockchain and cryptocurrency.


Peer-to-peer trading in financial markets; Crowdfunding to buy a copy of the US Constitution; Connecting multiplayer game worlds to the real economy; Decentralized Universal Basic Income; Hard-coding resale royalties for art; Legal contracts with automated dispute resolution. These are just some of the ideas being implemented, experimented with, or theorized about on the blockchain. What ideas do we all have for how this technology could develop? What is our collective vision for a world with blockchain technology as its core financial and legal plumbing? Of what is out there, what is hype, and what is genuinely valuable?


Taking a step back from lofty visions, how do we feel about the usability of blockchain and cryptocurrency today? Usability of wallet software; Managing the security of private keys or trusting custodial wallets; Mining fees and wait times for transactions; The interface between cryptocurrency and tax authorities, crypto exchanges and the banking system, smart contracts and courts of law: What are the pain points we feel and what does it take to iron them out? Could companies or governments push back against the technology and stop people using it or increase the pain points? How do we feel introducing people to cryptocurrency for the first time? If you've never interacted with a blockchain or owned crypto before how do you feel about it? --- Nothing in this salon constitutes investment or financial advice and attendees are requested not to offer investment or financial advice, predictions of asset price fluctuations or of the investment or financial success of a specific coin or security.

Reading list:

The Usability of Cryptocurrency ConstitutionDAO Raises $27M on Eve of Sotheby's Auction A Beginner's Guide to DAOs The Starting Signal for Hyperbitcoinization? Can Governments Stop Bitcoin?   *** ๐Ÿ—“ ii Calendar ๐Ÿ“‹ Code of Conduct ๐Ÿ“š Become a member, get a free ticket every month, access our forums, members-only events, and more! โ€“
Tickets are no longer available because the event is in the past.

Sat, Feb 5โ€ข02:00 PM UTC to 04:00 PM UTC



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Dominic Duffin

Full-stack developer and aspiring entrepreneur interested in technology, economics, society, culture and governance and the crossovers between them. Also more specific interests in Bitcoin, remote work / location independence and homeschooling.

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Dominic Duffin

Full-stack developer and aspiring entrepreneur interested in technology, economics, society, culture and governance and the crossovers between them. Also more specific interests in Bitcoin, remote work / location independence and homeschooling.

Sat, Feb 5โ€ข02:00 PM UTC to 04:00 PM UTC



Tickets are no longer available because the event is in the past.
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Dominic Duffin

Full-stack developer and aspiring entrepreneur interested in technology, economics, society, culture and governance and the crossovers between them. Also more specific interests in Bitcoin, remote work / location independence and homeschooling.

Sat, Feb 5โ€ข02:00 PM UTC to 04:00 PM UTC


